25th August 2019 – 21st Sunday in Ordinary time


Globally we are producing approximately 300 million tonnes of plastic each year, and around half of that is classed as single-use plastic. Much of it finishes up in the oceans with devastating effect on marine life.  As Catholics we sometimes forget that we are stewards not only of what we possess but of our whole planet, yet we deflect responsibility onto government, business or other people.  The Laudato Si’ (Live Simply) Group, linked with the Parish CAFOD group, aims to provide educational and practical opportunities for the Parish, and its linked schools, to care for the environment.

There are now three Clitheroe based initiatives that can help us to recycle plastic or avoid its use. Ocean Clear, at Unit 2 Wellgate Court, Wellgate, (between Brioche and Your Style) sell eco-friendly products and also recycle a range of things including: crisp packets, Pringles tubes and other wrappers as well packaging for health and Beauty products. Seal Metal at 6 Albion Court Waterloo Road, (near Tesco) take a very wide range of materials including plastics and electrical and electronic goods, metals, glass, paper, cardboard and polystyrene. They also offer a pocket money scheme for children to encourage environmental awareness.  Little Green Footprints on Clitheroe Market  provide a Refill Station for many environmentally friendly plant-based Household and Bathroom products.

One of  the biggest uses of plastic is bottles filled with water that has has been clearly demonstrated to be no better than tap water.  There are now over 20,000 Refill Stations in the UK and the Refill website app enables you to find one on your journey.

These are all good, and you can find out more about them on the Laudato Si’ (Live Simply) webpage http://www.olotv.org.uk/parish-groups/laudato-si but in the longer term we must aim to avoid non-recyclable plastic altogether and be prepared to pay a little more to buy produce without packaging.

God is in everything and God IS everything.  God gave us oil and he gave us the ability to transform it into plastic with its countless noble uses.  But thrown away it kills our living planet.  We turn God’s gift into waste and throw it back in his face.

Let us remember a recent bidding prayer: Let us pray that each of us will use wisely the things of this world, turning away from greed, over-consumption and waste.


18th August 2019 – 20th Sunday in Ordinary time

‘What has the Cross given to those who have gazed upon it and to those who have touched it?

What has the Cross left in each one of us?

The Cross gives us a treasure that no one else can give: the certainty of the faithful love which God has for us.

A love so great that it enters into our sin and forgives it, that enters into our suffering and gives us the strength to bear it.

It is a love which enters into death to conquer it and to save us.

 -Pope Francis


CAFOD  – World Day of Prayer September 1st

In Laudato Si, Pope Francis reminds us of our responsibility to care for our common home.  To show our commitment, we are inviting parishioners from each of our churches to come and draw round their hand after Mass on Sunday 25 August (Saturday Mass for Dunsop Bridge).  These will form part of a display for Sunday September 1: World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation

11th August 2019 – 19th Sunday in Ordinary time

Old Catholic Cemetery Annual Mass

The annual Mass for past parishioners, priests who have served the parish and your intentions will be celebrated as usual on the Bank holiday
Monday, 26th August at 11am

Newman Canonisation Resources

Ahead of the canonisation of Cardinal Newman, a website has been created which shares details of the canonisation and has a ticket reservation system for both individuals and groups. As well as this, the website is regularly updated with links, articles and podcasts.
You can view the website by visiting www.newmancanonisation.com
Or follow their Twitter www.twitter.com/JHNcanonisation

Experience Alpha Training Day

Cathedral Centre, Salford, M3 6DP
Saturday 28th September 2019, 10:00am – 3:30pm
Find out how to run this powerful tool for evangelisation in your parish. Led by Mike Roche, the UK representative for Alpha in a Catholic context, the day will cover what Alpha is, how to host small groups on Alpha and prayer on Alpha as well as a Q&A.
To sign up or find out more, visit
www.dioceseofsalford.org.uk/news/whats-on/ or email hope@dioceseofsalford.org.uk

Youth Ministry in Parishes

Thornleigh Salesian College
Saturday 14th September, 10am-3pm

As part of Stage 2 of Hope in the Future, parishioners are invited to a training day aimed to help guide you on how you can engage young people in parish life.
There will be workshops throughout the day and a keynote speech from Chris Knowles on how we can take inspiration from the Synod to engage young people.
To sign up or find out more, visit
www.dioceseofsalford.org.uk/news/whats-on/ or email hope@dioceseofsalford.org.uk

4th August 2019 – 18th Sunday in Ordinary time

Hope in the Future Training Opportunity

Youth Ministry in Parishes

Thornleigh Salesian College

Saturday 14th September, 10am-3pm

As part of Stage 2 of Hope in the Future, parishioners are invited to a training day aimed to help guide you on how you can engage young people in parish life.
There will be workshops throughout the day and a keynote speech from Chris Knowles on how we can take inspiration from the Synod to engage young people.

To sign up or find out more, visit


or email hope@dioceseofsalford.org.uk


Events at the Christian Heritage Centre at Stonyhurst

Theodore House, Stonyhurst, BB7 9PZ


Margaret Clitherow Book Launch – Friday 30th August 2019, 19:30

Authors John and Wendy Rayne-Davis are launching a new book on one of our local saints: Margaret Clitherow.
The evening’s presentation will give an overview of the various themes covered in the book which give fresh context to Margaret’s life.
Questions and refreshments as part of the evening, and attendees can enjoy an overnight stay at reduced cost and join us for Mass and a talk at Stydd chapel the next morning.

To book your place, email:


28th July 2019 – 17th Sunday in Ordinary time

The Our Father

The Gospel of this Sunday opens with the scene of Jesus praying alone, in a separate place. When he finishes, the disciples ask him, “Lord, teach us to pray.” And he responds, “When you pray, say: Father …”

This word is the secret of Jesus’ prayer; it is the key that he himself gives us so that we can also enter into this relationship of trusting dialogue with the Father who has accompanied and sustained Jesus’ life.

To the name “Father,” Jesus associates two petitions: “hallowed be your name; your kingdom come.” Jesus’ prayer, and therefore, a Christian’s prayer, is before all to give space to God, allowing him to manifest his holiness in us and allowing the advance of his kingdom by the possibility of exercising his lordship of love in our lives.

Another three petitions complete this prayer that Jesus teaches us.  They are three requests that express our fundamental needs: bread, forgiveness and help in temptation. One cannot live without bread, one cannot live without forgiveness, and one cannot live without the help of God when faced with temptation.

Pope Francis

14th July 2019 – 15th Sunday in Ordinary time



“The Time is NOW” mass lobby of M.P.’s at Westminster on 26th June was organised by The Climate Coalition and Greener UK – two confederations of organisations, that include CAFOD and which represent millions of people across the UK.

From surfers to scientists, bird watchers to beekeepers, everyone has a stake in the state of our environment. No one is more aware of this than Pope Francis, who in his Laudato ‘Si encyclical letter, calls us all to action defending and promoting the health of God’s creation.

On arriving at Westminster our day began with Interfaith addresses from the leaders of several faiths: Christian, Jewish, Muslim and Buddhist, expressing their concerns for the future of our planet. Later, Bishop Arnold pointed to the unanimity of their aspirations. Outstanding amongst the speakers was a Quaker, a young girl supporting Greta Thunberg in her School Strike for action on Climate change, who pleaded passionately for us all to commit to caring for “our common home”.

From there, Bishop John Arnold led us out to lobby our respective MPs. Nigel Evans was not available but he had arranged for two of his researchers, both from the Ribble Valley, to speak with his constituents. We discussed a variety of issues – ranging from fracking and renewable energy to solar panels on new builds. We gave them clear requests to hand to Nigel Evans, requesting that he put out a statement on them and that he arranges to meet us in the Ribble Valley.  We await his response.

After relaxing in the sunshine on the Green, with coffee and free ice cream, the day concluded with a CAFOD Mass at Church House led by Bishop Arnold and concelebrated with five other priests. At the end Jose Batista, a land rights lawyer working for the Pastoral Land Commission in Maraba, Brazil, made a passionate plea to save the rainforest, the lungs of the earth.  The Mass was both emotional and inspiring.  It was a privilege to be there.

It was a long day but to see people of all ages and organisations, and especially the many young people voicing their hopes for the future, it was worth every minute!

Remember, the dinosaurs also thought they had time!


7th July 2019 – 14th Sunday in Ordinary time (Weld Day)


Saturday, June 22 saw the first Hope in the Future Deanery walk from Stonyhurst along the Tolkien Trail.  Starting with a prayer at the statue of Our Lady, 46 people from 11 St John Southworth Deanery parishes skirted the college grounds and through the fields to the Hodder.   We regrouped frequently to learn about the features of our surroundings and their Tolkien links.  We picnicked just past where the Hodder joins the Ribble and then on to where the Calder joins the Ribble.  A few weeks ago, an osprey was spotted fishing near here.  Like us it needed a lunch break on its journey north to the Lake District.  We had to be content with a heron, a truly magnificent bird none the less.

But it wasn’t the summer sun, the verdant green foliage, the ox eye daisies, the blackbirds, that made the day. It was the people, many of them newcomers to us but of same faith and mind.  It was good to circulate and share experiences of our parishes and hear what others were doing for Hope in the Future.  It became clear that our Parish is ahead of most and perhaps all others in our Deanery.  This will surprise some as it may seem that little has changed.  Hope in the Future is a five-year programme of which the Outreach component comprises:

  • Communicating well through newsletters, websites and social media
  • Serving the particular needs of the local community
  • Creating social outreach groups open to all
  • Linking with Caritas, CAFOD, SVP and similar organisations
  • Caring for the local environment
  • Inviting participation in activities such as parish missions or Alpha courses
  • Reaching out to parishioners who do not regularly attend church
  • Participating in ecumenical and interfaith dialogue and action

None of this is new.  These are the pillars of Catholic Social Teaching.  The only change is about balance.  As Donal Harrington says:  [There is] “a tendency to see spirituality as a private affair between ‘me and God’, with no reference to or need for community. Perhaps this reflects a more widespread tendency to ‘privatise’ that characterises capitalist culture. As times push on and the world becomes insular and populist, we too are pushed along with it.  Hope in the Future encapsulates the mission to address this, to become less inward and more outward looking.”

Anthony Brown


CAFOD: The Time is Now – Climate Change Lobby, 26 June

An estimated 12,000 people (including 4 from our Parish) took to the streets around Westminster to lobby their MP’s to call for further, faster action on climate change and environmental protection.  With at least 220 MP’s coming out to meet their constituents we know our voices have been heard.  Perhaps most inspiring were the pupils from primary and secondary schools.  Travelling from all over the country to talk to their MP’;s and have their say on climate change, they’re aware we all need to make changes to make a better world.