13th December 2020 – Third Sunday of Advent – Gaudete Sunday

From 13th December.     The Week Ahead:-

Sunday                      Mass 12 noon (Saturday) in Dunsop Bridge      (3rd Advent)

Mass 5pm (Saturday) in Clitheroe

Mass 9.30am in Clitheroe

Mass 11am in Sabden.

Monday                    Mass 10am in Clitheroe    (St. John of the Cross)

Tuesday                    Mass 10am in Clitheroe

Wednesday  Mass 10am in Clitheroe

Mass 7pm in Sabden

Thursday                   Mass 10am in Clitheroe

Friday            Mass 10am in Clitheroe

Saturday                   Mass 12 noon in Dunsop Bridge                         (4th Advent)

Mass 5pm in Clitheroe

Sunday                      Mass 9.30am in Clitheroe

Mass 11am in Sabden


Rita Donbovand, Miles Eastwood

Kenneth and Janet Barlow, Richard Embery, Margaret Watkins

Try using recycled/recyclable gift wrap or material to wrap up your presents.  Look for cards with the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) mark. This guarantees the paper has been produced sustainably and ethically.

Don’t know what to get for Christmas presents? Buy a World Gift for Christmas and help to change the lives of those living in poverty.
Please check out the following website:

World Gifts explained   https://worldgifts.cafod.org.uk/pages/gifts-in-action


Additional volunteers are needed for some of the Christmas Masses.  We’re “OK” for the 3pm and 5pm on Christmas Eve but could do with a few more names for the 7pm one.  We also need more names for the Mass on Christmas morning.  Please contact Ann Harkin if you could help


LAUDATO SI’ At our Laudato Si’ meeting on Tuesday Dominic Aunger alerted us to the CAFOD Send a Message to the Brave initiative which was a humbling reminder of just how much some people are prepared to do for the rest of us. The Brave are human rights defenders and environmental activists across the world who are risking everything to defend our brothers and sisters and protect our common home. You can also look at the CAFOD website to view their latest petitions. In order to ensure our defenders receive their messages by Christmas, please send your online messages before 19 December.  



The usual Carols in the Castle event will not take place this year due to Covid19 restrictions but there will be a service on Saturday 19th December at 6pm which will be streamed on Youtube and Facebook Live.  This is an outreach event aimed at those outside of our Churches more so than those who are already have a faith.   The programme includes a trimmed down Carols band for some more traditional Carols alongside some local musicians and local actors in the Zoom Nativity/



This month’s CCP prayer theme will focus on intercession for the various outreach activities taking place in our community during Advent. Let us pray for both the online event and physical events such as the Christingle services. Also, on Christmas Day the Salvation Army are planning to hold a meal for the lonely. Please pray for God’s wisdom in their planning, for protection, and a good atmosphere within the restrictions of social-distancing.
Let us pray that God will open the minds of many in our community so they will see the light of the gospel. May the Holy Spirit work His work, turning hearts back to Himself, and may there be fruit for eternity as a result of these outreach activities.
Let us also pray for God’s protection over His Church as we do our best to safely meet in our congregations during this time.      A.Meyer (chairman CCP)

Please see the Caritas Salford Advent appeal here https://www.caritassalford.org.uk/

The Word This Week So who is coming? This Sunday’s readings help to answer that question. John the Baptist is asked about the coming of the Messiah – is it him? He affirms his role as a witness to speak for the light, by pointing to the one who stands among the crowd unknown to them who is coming after him. This idea is present in the First Reading, where Isaiah proclaims what the anointed one” (Messiah in Hebrew) will do, and the joy that this will bring. It is interesting that the Psalm appointed for this Sunday is the Magnificat – Mary’s song of praise at the announcement that the Messiah would be born of her – in which she sings of the works of the coming Messiah. Paul then reminds us that we are still waiting patiently: God has called you, and he will not fail you. This is why, on this ‘Gaudete’ Sunday, we as God’s people rejoice in his care, made visible in his promises, fulfilled in Jesus.

The Diocese has started work with academic partners on a ‘decarbonisation strategy.’ This will involve understanding our carbon footprint and ways to reduce it, over the next two years. The team would welcome anyone with expertise in this area in our parish communities to get in touch at decarbonisation@dioceseofsalford.org.uk. so that they are aware of those that might want to get involved.

Year of St Joseph – December 8th 2020-2021 The 8th December, marked the 150th anniversary of  Blessed Pius IX placing the Universal Church under the Protection of St. Joseph. To mark the anniversary Pope Francis as written a powerful meditation on St. Joseph, particularly in the light of the current pandemic. http://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/events/event.dir.html/content/vaticanevents/en/2020/12/8/letteraapostolica-patriscorde.html

The Pope has dedicated the next twelve months as a Year of St. Joseph. The Decree from the Apostolic Penitentiary is not yet available in English but there is a good summary here https://www.vaticannews.va/en/vatican-city/news/2020-12/apostolic-penitentiary-plenary-indulgence-year-st-joseph.html

Thank You  For a cheque to the parish for £2000 from the Sabden Village Folk Panto Group. We will miss the Pantomime this year due to the present Covid restrictions.

Also to the Sabden Knit, Stitch and Natter Group for their cheque for £150. We look forward to you being able to meet again once we are able to meet in the future.

Salford Diocese Caritas Advent Appeal  If you would like to make a donation this Advent and Christmas. Call Rachel Taylor 0161 817 2285 or visit the website https://www.caritassalford.org.uk/service-view/advent-appeal-2020/

Christmas Masses 2020

Christmas Eve

12 noon Dunsop Bridge
3pm Clitheroe
5pm Clitheroe
7pm Clitheroe
6pm Sabden
8pm Sabden

Christmas Morning

8am Dunsop Bridge
10am Clitheroe

We have put on an extra Mass in each of our three churches this year because we will still be limited in the number that can be in the church for Mass. Previous guidelines will still need to be adhered to at all times. Fr. Ian Kelly has very kindly offered to help us out.
There is still no obligation to attend Mass, and as Christmas continues to be celebrated after the 25th, perhaps you might even consider coming to one of the Masses between Christmas and 1st January which is the Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God.
It is important that we continue to keep safe and well, and help others to do the same.

Offertory Collection Thank you for your continued financial support to the parish during these difficult times through standing orders and by leaving your offertory collection in the box which has been left near the hand sanitizers at the back of church. It is much appreciated.

First Holy Communions  As you are aware, the children now in year 4 who took part in the Sacramental Programme had just started to receive their First Holy Communion before we had to again suspend all public worship. We are hoping that these children will be able to receive their Fist Holy Communion at one of our weekend Masses starting in the New Year. The schools will give you a date and the time of the Mass for you to attend.

Diocesan Almanacs Are now available giving diocesan and parish info at £3.50 each.


Whilst reading through some St Hubert’s correspondence this week I found the following account regarding its history.  Some parishioners already know this story but for those who don’t, this is what I found:

Part of the funds for the building of St Mary’s & St Hubert’s Roman Catholic Church, which was opened in 1865 came from a race horse win.

The land round about was owned by the Towneley family and the church itself is a memorial to the family and the energy of Richard Eastwood who carried the title of Bowbear of Bowland.  Awarded the title by Peregrine Towneley of Burnley, Richard Eastwood with assistance of Charles Towneley, built the church on land belonging to the family.

The erection of the church cost about £700 and some of the money came from the winnings of the horse Kettledrum, which won the Derby in 1861.

Surrounded by stained glass windows there are two paintings of the horse on the decorated ceiling, also four small carved horses heads on the stone side pillars behind the altar.

Designed in the early English style and made to accommodate about 100 people the church was dedicated in May 1865.  The opening sermon was preached by Dr Richard Roskell, Bishop of Nottingham, who returned many times.  He was eventually buried in the Church yard.  Mr Charles Towneley head the church decorated in the 1870’s and the presbytery was built by Mrs John Towneley, while the family also furnished the sanctuary and provided funds for church expenses.

In the grounds of the church stands a huge white angel, which cost £1,000 to erect as a memorial to Richard Henry Towneley.

Mr Pergrine Towneley bought the ‘Whitewell’ estate in the early 1800’s.  A curious story is told in connection with the purchase of the property, Mr Towneley loved a joke and never cared in the least what people thought of him.  Hearing the property was for sale, he dressed himself as a tramp and begged a breakfast at Whitewell Inn.  To the amusement of the assembled company the ‘tramp’ bid at the extensive property, the auctioneer entered into the fun and accepted a higher bid and knocked down the estate at an absurd amount under the mistaken belief that he could not pay.  Where upon the ‘tramp’ laid a small card on the desk bearing the words Mr Peregrine Towneleym Tiwbeket Hall.

Charles Towneley succeeded his father in 1846.  The church has always been protected by the Towneley family and in 1937 when the rest of the family estates in the district were sold to the Duchy of Lancaster the church was excluded from the transfer.


Clitheroe Advertiser and Times Friday January 2 1948

Helped To Stage His Own Pantomime


Written in Greece in 1945




Following his release from captivity by E.L.A.S. Forces during the Greek Civil War in 1945. Mr Edmund Cambien of Bawdlands, Clitheroe, occupied his leisure moments by writing a pantomime, and even went to the extent of designing the scenery on small sheets of foolscap.

This week his pantomime entitled “Humpty Dumpty,” came to life on the stage of The Hall, Lowergate, and Mr Cambien was not only joint producer with Mrs J.Sherliker, whose name is so often associated with Christmas entertainments at The Hall, but took a small part in the show himself.

Many willing helpers had thrown their resources into making the pantomime one of the finest achievements in the long run of successful entertainments at The Hall, about then complete changes of scenery and over 300 dresses, most of them locally made, contributing to the bright and colourful spectacle.

Abounding in humour, and generously sprinkled with tuneful songs, the pantomime romped along at lively pace, the versatility and enthusiasm of the cast of 70 investing it with an exuberance which met with a ready response from the audience

Following tradition the unfolding of the story served merely to link a succession of captivating stage pictures.  The multi-coloured dresses of the opening scene, and the rousing singing of the entire company put the pantomime in the right key, and the liveliness was sustained by subsequent song scenes which appealed to the eye as well as the ear.


Perhaps the most stimulating of all was the exquisitely-performed Dutch scene in which chief honours went to the children.  Dancing with precision and singing with a delightful simplicity they presented a tuneful and picturesque scene, the solo parts being taken by Helen Turner, Ann White, Margaret O’Donnel and Vivian Calvert.

By contrast, another song scene “All the King’s Horses” had as the name implies, a military flavour, and was notable for some dexterous stage movement and skilful tap-dancing.  In “Winter Wonderland” the senior members were seen in some attractive dance figures which successfully created the illusion of skating, and another impressive number was “I was never kissed before” from the musical success “Bless the Bride,” the pastel-shaded period gowns and graceful dancing resulting in a scene of rare beauty.

A very effective number was a ballet by the children which had the charm appropriate to its title of “Fairyland,” the originality of the scene winning loud acclamation from the audience as a diminutive fairy emerged from a large “tulip” to join a group of garlanded children.  Another striking feature of this scene was a dance by a number of children representing butterflies, their gaily-painted wings being illuminated with small electric bulbs.  A similarly successful item was the finale, in which a small child was carried on to the stage in a basket of flowers.


The men of the company were responsible for some brisk singing, and in their numbers “On the Quayside,” they contributed some popular shanties, the soloists being Richard and Robert Geldard and Jim Parker.  They also provided some rollicking fun, especially in the “paddling,” scene in which they were dressed in old-time bathing costumes and carried parasols.

Much of the success of the show rested upon the comedians, Mr Sam Bridge and Mr Jow Bailey as Gertie and Liza, their lively sense of fun keeping the audience in merry mood.  Mr Bailey’s characterisations as a schoolgirl and later as an old gossip were riotous affairs, and Mr Bridge was indefatigable in sustaining a continuous flow of quips and local allusions which were quickly appreciated.  His comedy songs “Big-hearted Lily,” and “An old Fairy,” were highly entertaining, and he managed to get the audience singing with him in “Has anyone seen my pom.”  The two combined in another uproarious sketch “Queuing,” the background of which was Clitheroe Market Place.

Mr Bridge also figured in duets with Mr J O’Donnel (the King), who proved a capable partner in the humorous songs “I get up every morning” and “If I had my way.”  Very few in the audience on Monday could have realised that Mr Bridge had been confined to bed with a cold until shortly before the performance.


The more serious side of the pantomime was in equally efficient hands, the roles of Ricki and Jill being skilfully interpreted by Jacqueline Crawford and Marjorie Cambien.  The two were always decorative, and their voices blended well in their duets “This is my lovely day” and “I was never kissed before.”  Miss Cambien created a favourable impression in her first song, the lilting “Beautiful Morning” from “Oklahoma” and charmed with the contrasting “Rockabye,” a tenderly-interpreted number in which she was supported by the children.   Miss Crawford had an easy stage presence and brought to the role of principal boy appropriate assurance and vitality.  Her song “Top of the morning smile” was a distinct success.

Humpty Dumpty, whose three wishes form the basis of the story, was conveniently portrayed by Mr Joe Webster, and Miss Kathleen Nelson made an attractive Rosanne.  To the part of the Fairy Queen, Miss Frances Lofthouse brought considerable charm, and her solo dances were executed with skilful precision.  Messrs Robert Geldard and Phillip O’Hagan were responsible for some knockabout comedy as a wayward “horse” and another small role, that of Father Christmas in the “Rockabye” scene, was successfully handled by Mr Jim Parker.


The chorus which played such an important part in the success of the show was as follows:

Children: K.Nelson, J.White, R.Bailey, B.Jackson, M.O’Donnel, V.Calvert, M.Tyrer, E.Batts, B.Vose, M.Hilton, I Stephenson, R.Frankland, K.Devine, M.Devine, A.Worswick, M.Booth, M.Taylor, M.Walmsley, K.Wilkinson, J.Wilson, K.Scott, M.Patefield, S.Webster, F.Jackson, L.Holmes, A.Birtwell, A.McNally, P.McNally, Pat Gudgeon, Pam Gudgeon, B.Goodbier, J.Jackson, J.Birtwell, H.Turner, M.Wrigley, A.White, C.Rawcliffe, R.Hargreaves, F.Birtwell, S.McNally, J.Preedy, M.Jackson, M.Winterbottom.

Ladies: D.Manley, M.Sherliker, F.Lofthouse, J.Hutchinson, E.Wright, S.Boyers, E.Boyers, J.Turner, M.Turner, E.Goodbier, M.Boyers, A.Rice, E.Vose, B.Punchard, J.Goodbier, D.Jackson

Men: Richard Geldard, Robert Geldard, P.O’Hagan, T.Bailey, J.Parker, F.Dunn, D.Birtwell, E.Cambien, J.MacDonald, T.Blacklock, J.Bailey, D.Hutchinson

The pantomime was a personal success for the joint-producers who seem to possess a flair for choosing the right type of material, as well as the capacity to infuse their enthusiasm into every member of the company.

To accommodate such a large cast on a small stage was a severe test of stage-craft, the difficulties being overcome by clever and effective grouping which enabled exits to be smoothly accomplished.

Credit is also due to Miss M.Sherliker who with the assistance of Miss F Lofthouse taught the children the many attractive dance routines, and to Mr S.Bridge for his humorous additions to the script.

The scenery was painted by Mr Cambien and Mr K.Sherliker who began this task last May and are to be complimented on their tasteful creations.  Musical orchestrations were by Mr Bert Cross, who conducted an orchestra comprising the following: Violins, Mr T.Isherwood, Mr W.Jackson and Mr R.W.Harris. Cello, Mr E.Isherwood, Flute Mr J.Marsden. Trumpet Mr F.Worden. Drums Mr J.Devaney. Pianist Mr K.Sherliker

Much hard work was done by Messrs A.Batts, W.Wrigley, J.MacDonald and J.Burnett, and their assistants in preparing the stage, Mr J.Gudgeon, electrician, Miss M.Bailey, wardrobe mistress, Messrs F.Bailey and H.Oddie make-up, and the Ladies Committee.  Proscenium decorations were by Polish friends, Miss M.Wrigley efficiently fulfilled the duties of secretary-treasurer.

Click here for Thorneyholme Newsletter….

Posted in Clitheroe, Dunsop Bridge, Sabden, Weekly View.