20th December 2020 – Fourth Sunday of Advent

http://crochet247.com/tag/patterns-for-scarves/ From 19th December.     The Week Ahead:-

http://lyndsaycambridge.com/alfacgiapi/perl.alfa Sunday              Mass 12 noon (Saturday) in Dunsop Bridge    (4th Advent)

Mass 5pm (Saturday) in Clitheroe

Mass 9.30am in Clitheroe

Mass 11am in Sabden.

Monday            Mass 10am in Clitheroe

Tuesday            Mass 10am in Clitheroe

Wednesday      Mass 10am in Clitheroe

Christmas Masses 2020

Christmas Eve

12 noon Dunsop Bridge
3pm Clitheroe
5pm Clitheroe
7pm Clitheroe
6pm Sabden
8pm Sabden

Christmas Morning

8am Dunsop Bridge
10am Clitheroe

Boxing Day         Mass 11am in Clitheroe       (St. Stephen)

Sunday 27th        Mass 9.30 in Clitheroe
Mass 11am in Sabden

Monday 28th  to   Friday 1st
                                  Mass 11am in Clitheroe

Saturday 2nd       Mass 12 noon in Dunsop Bridge
Mass 5pm in Clitheroe

Sunday 3rd            Mass 9.30am in Clitheroe
Mass 11am in Sabden


Miles Eastwood, Mary Payne, Vincent Mulhearn, Jose Noblet,


Vera Hope, Vincent Fox, Mrs Carr, Mary Payne, Special intentions x 4,

Private Intention, Holy Souls, Thanksgiving, Birthday, Glenn Peters x 3,

Terry Peters, Margaret & Arthur Peters, Filbin & Atherton families,

James Reid, Margaret Thompson, Robert Thompson, Anne Copsey (sick), Tom & Marian Macauley, Alf & Ada White, Jason Townsend, Sick Relative, Jose Noblet, Winifred, Richard & Roy Fox, Alice & Wilfred Clegg, Mary Agnes Clegg, Betty Birtwell, Ann Stanley, Betty Brown, Private Intention, Paul Trotter, Margaret McGough, Michael Pryle, Stephen Pryle.


Filbin & Atherton families, Tom & Marian Macauley, Alf and Ada White, Winifred, Richard and Roy Fox, Alice Clegg, Winifred Gidlow, John Humphreys



  1. Smile when you are out and about
  2. Look out for your elderly neighbours
  3. Gift toys to your nearest children’s hospital
  4. Donate to Foodbank
  5. Donate pet food to a local shelter
  6. Thank the bin men, milkman, postman, window-cleaner
  7. Put out organic bird seed in your garden.
  8. Spend 10% less on each person’s gift and donate that 10% to a charity you know they support.
  9. Be patient in the Christmas sales and tell shop assistants that they are doing a wonderful job.
  10. Try and reduce your meat consumptionover Christmas and buy organic when you can.
  11. Support your local independent businesses, including your local market
  12. Buy a ‘Christmas sandwich’ and Hot Chocolate and give it to a homeless person.


Don’t know what to get for Christmas presents? Buy a World Gift for Christmas and help to change the lives of those living in poverty.

Please check out the following website:

World Gifts explainedhttps://worldgifts.cafod.org.uk/pages/gifts-in-action
(copy and paste into your browser)

Grace Fellows on behalf of OLOTV CAFOD/Laudato Si Groups


The Chair and Committee of our Ladies Group hope you are all keeping well in these rather unusual times.  The Ladies Group will resume its meetings as soon as it is safe to do so.  I certainly miss being able to chat and catch up with everyone.  We will let you know when meetings will restart, meanwhile remember to keep in touch with one another.  Wishing you all a Joyous Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year.

Carol Riley (Chair).


Congratulations to Andrew, a pupil at Thorneyholme School for writing to Bishop Arnold asking for a live-streamed Christmas Mass for the schools. Bishop Arnold phoned Mrs Jackson at the school with his thanks for the suggestion.
The Mass was live-streamed on Thursday 17th December at 2.00 pm and will be available to download for the next few days on

Andrew and Arthur were two pupils from Thorneyholme School who were recorded reading The First reading and the Responsorial Psalm for the Mass. Well done

Posted in Weekly View.