
BAPTISM   We welcome to our community Sienna Mai Hitchen who was baptised last Saturday

Parish Draw

PARISH DRAW will commence in September. Cost of a ticket is £20. You will be given a number which will go into the draw which will take place at the end of each month (10 months in total). If you would like a ticket then please fill in one of the blue forms that are available at the back of church with your name, address and telephone number and pop it in the box provided. Please note: In the past if you received your ticket from either Arnold Marsden, Janet Clegg, Peter Sutcliffe, Sheila Webb, Derrick Hutchinson, Anne Marie Williams, or any other agent namely Margaret Marsden who retired or Mary Preedy who sadly passed away YOU STILL NEED TO COMPLETE ONE OF THE SLIPS.


MISSIO (Red Boxes)

MISSIO (Red Boxes) We are asking people to check if they have a red box at home which for some reason may not have been collected for a while. Maybe you have moved house. Envelopes for your donations are available in the porch along with contact details for Janet and Sion Hall. Please call us with any query you may have 01200 428949. As Pope Francis recently said ‘By making a personal donation you are giving a part of yourself, first to the Lord and then to others, which becomes a tool for the evangelisation of humanity built on love.


Foodbank shortages

The Foodbank is currently short of sponge pudding, tinned custard, sauces (tomato or brown) and chocolate treats (inc wrapped choc biscuits). Telephone Ruth Haldane on 07849 534431 if you would like to help or

Foodbank – Cookery Classes

Steady progress is being made on our bid to start classes in Clitheroe, but we need more volunteers for the following — cooks—washers up—collecting food from supermarkets—to name but a few. If you are interested in this project or are willing to help in any way then why not come along to our next meeting on Monday 17th August at 7.30pm at The United Reformed Church. We would be delighted to see you and whether or not ask that you will hold this project in your prayers


Fr Frankie’s Memory Book

FR FRANKIE’S MEMORY BOOK – a copy of the book that was presented to Fr Frankie is available at the back of church (St Michael & St John’s)—please have a look BUT do not take it home!

Lourdes Pilgrimage – petitions

PARISH PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES. Anyone who wishes a petition to be taken for them, to be placed at the grotto, please use the box at the back of the church. The box will be available until Wednesday 29th July. Boxes are also available both in Sabden and Dunsop Bridge