Help for Syrian Refugees

Thank you for all the wool and donations.  We now have enough needles, wool, blankets squares, dolls and card making equip to fill around 5 suitcases plus £170 in donations.  All this will travel to Turkey from now to August.  Some wool and needles have been held back for a Knit and Knatterthon to be arranged. Contact Anthony Brown 01200 422811 or

The Ascension of the Lord – 8th May 2016

Dear Parishioners,

As a Catholic school our mission at St Michael and St John’s is to serve and to make Christ known through our work with our children, families, parish and Diocese.  So our whole community was delighted when a recent inspection by Salford Diocese in March judged us to be ‘outstanding’ in our commitment to Catholic faith and teaching.

Our purpose as a school is underpinned by our mission statement: “Following the example of Jesus, together we learn, love and respect one another to be the best we can be”.

As a Catholic school we endeavour to make the person of Jesus Christ known and loved and ensure that Christ and His teachings are central to all school activities.   The Gospel values are studied, assimilated and lived out in practice and this creates what would be described as the ethos of the school.

The inspectors found that: “All staff act as excellent role models for the children and help them in recognising that God is with them in every aspect of school life.”…“The quality of outreach support provided by the school is absolutely outstanding as not only senior leaders but all members of the community of St. Michael and St John’s live out the gospel message to care for others in their service to the community.”

Our pupils are supported not only by the staff but also by our outstanding Pupil Chaplains who plan, prepare and deliver daily acts of collective worship, prayer and reflection.  Parents and parishioners who have observed these have shared with us how are impressed they are by their quality.

The school recognises that parents are the primary evangelisers for their children and as a Catholic school we seek to support our parents accordance with the teachings of the Church.

As the inspectors commented: “The home, school and parish links are inclusive, creative and effective.”… “All children are provided with a Catholic education in a caring and supportive environment where individual needs are exceptionally well catered for.”

These findings are a well-deserved recognition of our pupils and testament to the hard work and dedication of the whole team involved with St Michael and St John’s.   The strength of the relationships between the school, Priests, Catechists and Parishioners ensures our school is the special place it is.  Thank you and congratulations to all.

Mrs Zoe Mabbott  (Headteacher)

The full report is available on the school website at

6th Sunday of Easter – 1st May 2016

Dear Parishioners,

This summer some eight priests , all aged 75 years or more, will retire.  In addition the Benedictine Monks are leaving Bamber Bridge after 300 years. On Wednesday the Bishop met with the priests of the Deanery to discuss this situation and explore how best we may reconfigure our parishes to meet these challenges. We agreed positive proposals but since the Bishop still has to meet with other Deaneries he asked us not to discuss these until a recommended plan for the whole Diocese is released for consultation next month. We then agreed on the following statement.

As part of the ongoing diocesan consultation, the priests of the deanery met with Bishop John on Wednesday, to consider the best possible future sacramental and pastoral provision for the people of this deanery. The discussions were very positive and constructive – all were concerned that any changes should be considered as ‘pruning for future growth’.  A proposal about the way forward was submitted to Bishop John by the priests of the deanery.

Included in this was a discussion about the provision of Sunday Masses, with an agreement that there is a need to reduce the number of Masses across the deanery. And so, a proposed schedule of Masses will be submitted to the Bishop which will provide Masses at a variety of times across the whole deanery, allowing priests to supply for one another in case of illness or absence.

It was thought important that our deanery proposals should not be considered in isolation but rather should wait until a comprehensive diocesan plan is offered for consultation. When all the other deaneries have submitted their own proposals, Bishop John will present his plan for the whole Diocese, hopefully in June, which will be open to everyone for comment and suggestions, before a final decision is made by the Bishop, and then gradually implemented over time.

As the planning by the eight deaneries continues, the Bishop asks that we continue to pray for our openness to mission as we grow in that sense of Discipleship to which Pope Francis is calling us.

Stay with us, Lord, on our journey.

Fr John

5th Sunday of Easter – 24th April 2016 Dear Parishioners,
This week I include important comments from Pope Francis’ address to the World Methodist Council, the Methodist Council of Europe and the Methodist Church in Britain meeting in Rome on 7th April.

I offer warm greetings to you in this Easter season, as we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord who enlightens the whole world.  I wish to thank you for the kind words addressed to me.  We come together united in the faith that Jesus is Lord and that God has raised him from the dead.  This baptismal faith makes us truly brothers and sisters.

I was pleased to learn of the opening of the Methodist Ecumenical Office in Rome. It is a sign of our growing closeness, and particularly of our shared desire to overcome all that stands in the way of our full communion. May the Lord bless the work of the office and make it a place where Catholics and Methodists can encounter one another and grow in appreciation of one another’s faith, whether they be groups of pilgrims, those training for ministry, or those who guide their communities. May it also be a place where the progress achieved through our theological dialogue is made known, celebrated, and advanced.

John Wesley, in a letter to a Roman Catholic, wrote that Catholics and Methodists are called to “help each other on in whatever … leads to the Kingdom”. May the new common statement encourage Methodists and Catholics to help one another in our lives of prayer and devotion. In the same letter, Wesley also wrote, “if we cannot as yet think alike in all things, at least we may love alike”. It is true that we do not as yet think alike in all things, and that on issues regarding ordained ministries and ethics, much work remains to be done. However, none of these differences constitute such an obstacle as to prevent us from loving in the same way and offering a common witness to the world. Our lives of holiness must always include a loving service to the world; Catholics and Methodists together are bound to work in different ways in order to give concrete witness to the love of Christ. When we serve those in need, our communion grows.

In today’s world, afflicted by so much evil, it is more than ever vital that as Christians we offer a joint witness inspired by the light of Easter, becoming a sign of the love of God, which in the resurrection of Jesus is victorious. May this love, also through our humble and courageous service, reach the hearts and lives of our many brothers and sisters who are looking for such love even without knowing it.

compulsorily Ecumenism is a high priority for Pope Francis

Fr John

Vocations Sunday – 17th April 2016

Dear Parishioners,

“To live is to change.  And to be perfect is to have changed often.”  Famous words of John Henry Newman.  They reflect one of the great demands of the Gospel, which is Christ’s call to each one of us to change.  It is not always welcome, it’s not always comfortable, it’s not always easy, but like it or not, if we refuse to change we will die.  That goes for us as individuals, and for us as a Christian community. (This is reason for the recent parish meeting!) To live is to change.  To be perfect is to have changed often.
Those called to the consecrated life (priests and sisters in religious orders) or to the diocesan priesthood live this out in a special way: a divine intervention takes their lives in unimagined directions. In turn, their changed lives influence others and help many people make the changes necessary to growing in faith, in relationships and in responsibility. The apostles are the most startling example of divinely disrupted lives. ‘Follow me,’ said Jesus, and they left their fishing nets so that untold numbers of people might hear the Good News of Jesus Christ. Today we pray especially that those God is calling may allow this divine intervention into their lives so that they might become the disciples Christ intends them to be as priests or religious.

This year in Salford Diocese, we look forward to the ordination to the Priesthood of Rev Michael Deas and Rev Richard Howard who are completing their studies at the Venerable English College, Rome. We also have two ordinations to the diaconate: Mark Paver (whom you will remember was on placement with us) also from the English College in Rome and Gavin Landers from Oscott College, Birmingham. Please hold them in your prayers as well as our other students who are continuing their journey in formation: Damien Louden, at the Beda, Rome; Callum Brown (who was also on placement here) and Bob Hayes at Oscott College, as well as Luke Bradbury at the English College in Valladolid, Spain. Please also remember in prayer Daniel Gillard who is currently making a formal application to the Diocese for the coming academic year.

Today there is special collection to pay for the training of these young men and the money you give is essential. In 2014 expenditure on training these future priests exceeded income by £165,000. Please give generously.

Fr John

3rd Sunday of Easter – 10th April 2016

Dear Parishioners,

On Wednesday evening 59 parishioners responded to the bishop’s request that we review parish structures and activities to identify our strengths, challenges and pastoral needs. Participants represented all three church communities and between tea and cakes managed to cover the evening’s agenda. What became glaringly obvious were the very different challenges facing our three communities. I will take a report to the Deanery and the Bishop. To remodel our parish along Pope Francis’ missionary parish model will be a long haul but we have begun and I’m grateful to all who attended.

Due to the haste of adding Offertory Boxes for St Hubert’s to an order already at the printers no one noticed the omission of Dunsop Bridge from the envelopes. I apologise for this mistake which will be ratified when next we reorder envelopes.

If you go on line to or on twitter or facebook at click to pray you’ll be taken to a new prayer app which encourages support of the Pope’s monthly prayer intentions. In addition it offers a prayer to begin and to end the day.

Our Lady of the Valley is a rural parish so Pope Francis’ April prayer for small farmers caught my eye.

Father of goodness, You created this world for your children

who draw their livelihood from the land.

The fruit of each person’s work should be a decent life,

but many are exploited at work, such as small farmers,

in favour of the economic interests of the powerful.

Touch the hearts of all, so that justice may be done to reward

those who need your support.

I also pray for Christians in Africa, especially those living amid

 conflict, that they may be strong in love and faith.

Our Father…; Hail Mary…; Glory be…

Resolutions for this month:

  • I will seek to purchase products from small farmers to support their work.
  • I will inform friends of the injustice caused by those who profit at the expense of others.
  • I will pray both privately and publicly for the persecuted Christians in Africa.
  • Fr John

2nd Sunday of Easter – 3rd April 2016

Dear Parishioners,

First a word of gratitude to all, too many to mention by name, who worked so hard to prepare the Church for Holy Week and all who participated in the ceremonies.  Attendances were really good and it was great to welcome so many parishioners from St Hubert’s.

As you are aware Bishop John has asked each parish to consider how we can best undertake the mission of the Church in Salfoed Diocese in these changing times.  This means identifying our resources and how we might best reorganise ourselves.
In February, the Bishop met over two day meetings with almost all of the priests in the diocese to begin this reflection.  He stressed that, at this point, we are concerned with determining and agreeing “what” we must do in order to face the present and future needs of the diocese.  The “how” we do it will be for a later stage of discussion over the coming summer months.
Now he invites parishes to meet individually, not so much to get into the details of parish amalgamations or church closures, though they will touch on that briefly towards the end of the meeting.  Those detailed discussions will be for a later date.  This meeting is about us, as a parish, accepting that there is a need for change and being open to being part of that change.
Why change?  Back in 2000 we had 191 parishes, containing 206 churches and served by 210 priests.  Now we have 150 parishes, containing 185 churches and served by 155 priests.  Of the 155 priests currently serving our parishes, 124 are diocesan priests but only 106 of those diocesan priests are under the age of 75.  In the next five years, that number will drop to 93 (assuming that they all are able to continue in parish ministry until retirement at 75 and that the present 8 seminarians get ordained).
Change and adaptation is not an option.
More important is Pope Francis’ challenge that “the call to review and renew our parishes has  not yet managed to make them environments of living communion and participation and to make them completely mission orientated.”
So as a parish we shall meet on Wednesday evening in Clitheroe to respond to the challenge of both Pope and Bishop and consider what a modern missionary parish in North Lancashire should look like and be about in the 21st Century.
I urge our three communities based on Dunsop Bridge, Clitheroe and Sabden to COME, answer the call at 7.30pm in the Clitheroe Parish Hall, this Wednesday.

Fr John


Sunday Teas – Dunsop Bridge

Our long standing Sunday teas and refreshments return for the 2016 season in Dunsop Bridge Village Hall.  Come and visit our volunteers in the Village Hall each Sunday from Easter Sunday until the end of August and choose from a delicious selection of homemade sandwiches, cakes and scones.  We are open from 10.30am—16.00 hours.  On Sunday 3rd April the proceeds will go to Our Lady of the Valley parish, St Huberts, so please plan your day of activities with friends and family in either the Dunsop or wider Hodder Valley and commence or end your day with a stop off at the Village Hall for a taste of our freshly homemade refreshments.  If you are available to provide cakes or help to serve the teas please contact Julie Bennett on 01200 448630


The Tombola at the Easter Bonnet Parade raised £118.50.  Thank you to all. We are now a registered charity no 1166189 so can claim Gift Aid. Photos are now available of the foundations of the school building.  The next Bank Transfer will go early April.
