3rd Sunday of Easter – 10th April 2016

Dear Parishioners,

On Wednesday evening 59 parishioners responded to the bishop’s request that we review parish structures and activities to identify our strengths, challenges and pastoral needs. Participants represented all three church communities and between tea and cakes managed to cover the evening’s agenda. What became glaringly obvious were the very different challenges facing our three communities. I will take a report to the Deanery and the Bishop. To remodel our parish along Pope Francis’ missionary parish model will be a long haul but we have begun and I’m grateful to all who attended.

Due to the haste of adding Offertory Boxes for St Hubert’s to an order already at the printers no one noticed the omission of Dunsop Bridge from the envelopes. I apologise for this mistake which will be ratified when next we reorder envelopes.

If you go on line to www.clicktopray.org or on twitter or facebook at click to pray you’ll be taken to a new prayer app which encourages support of the Pope’s monthly prayer intentions. In addition it offers a prayer to begin and to end the day.

Our Lady of the Valley is a rural parish so Pope Francis’ April prayer for small farmers caught my eye.

Father of goodness, You created this world for your children

who draw their livelihood from the land.

The fruit of each person’s work should be a decent life,

but many are exploited at work, such as small farmers,

in favour of the economic interests of the powerful.

Touch the hearts of all, so that justice may be done to reward

those who need your support.

I also pray for Christians in Africa, especially those living amid

 conflict, that they may be strong in love and faith.

Our Father…; Hail Mary…; Glory be…

Resolutions for this month:

  • I will seek to purchase products from small farmers to support their work.
  • I will inform friends of the injustice caused by those who profit at the expense of others.
  • I will pray both privately and publicly for the persecuted Christians in Africa.
  • Fr John
Posted in Clitheroe, Dunsop Bridge, Sabden, Weekly View.