Fairtrade Fortnight – 24 February to 8 March

CLITHEROE OLOTV CAFOD GROUP will sell fair-trade goods after Mass in the Assembly Hall 1st & 8th March.  When you buy Fairtrade you know farmers get a better deal.
There will also be a Fairtrade stall at St Mary’s Sabden in the hall after Mass on 8th March.

16th February 2020 – 6th Sunday in Ordinary time


In Christianity Holy Water is water that has been blessed by a member of the clergy and is used in baptism and to bless individuals, churches, homes and articles of devotion. The Holy Water fonts known as stoups can be found at the back of churches as you enter, and in Clitheroe on two of the pillars situated in the side aisles.

Fr Paul has blessed some water this week, and filled Holy Water bottles are now available for sale at the back of church for 50p (for the bottle not the water), in all of our three churches
Why not take one home with you to use to bless your house and family

9th February 2020 – Fifth Sunday in Ordinary time


In Christianity Holy Water is water that has been blessed by a member of the clergy and is used in baptism and to bless individuals, churches, homes and articles of devotion. The Holy Water fonts known as stoups can be found at the back of churches as you enter, and in Clitheroe on two of the pillars situated in the side aisles.

Fr Paul has blessed some water this week, and filled Holy Water bottles are now available for sale at the back of church for 50p (for the bottle not the water), in all of our three churches
Why not take one home with you to use to bless your house and family

2nd February 2020 – Fourth Sunday in Ordinary time

At the baptism of Jesus, the Holy Spirit descended upon him and the voice was heard from heaven saying, “This is my beloved Son, in him I am well pleased”. Jesus then began his public ministry. We too received that same Spirit at our baptism, and so we to are  called and sent out to continue the mission of Jesus, as we walk in his ways and preach the Good News in the way we live, and the way we love.

Last week, I returned the parish Pastoral Statistics to the Diocese giving all the information about Our Lady of the Valley Parish, and in doing so I was reminded of all the good that goes on here, and that we are alive and well, as we continue to spread the Good News in so many different ways.
Thank you for all that you do, and for all that you share, sometimes in very obvious ways, but a lot of the time in ways known only to God, and to yourself. Thank you.

  • During 2019: we welcomed 23 children into God’s family at their Baptism.
  • We journeyed with 27 of our children and their families, who made their First Reconciliation and received their First Holy Communion.
  • We welcomed 6 adults into Full Communion with the Catholic Church.
  • We rejoiced with 8 couples who were united in the sacrament of Marriage.
  • We ministered to over 60 parishioners who regularly receive Holy Communion in their own home, and in several nursing homes too.We also visit everyone in Clitheroe hospital every week.
  • We mourned with 32 families at the death of a loved one, and supported them with  our prayers.

So much good done by so many, for which we rightly give thanks to God.

As we thank God for all his blessings, and for gracing our parish with so much good will and hard work, we look forward with hope, continuing to journey in faith, confident that God is always with us, as he calls us all and sends us out in his name.
Let us all do our own little bit to help build up God’s Kingdom here in Our Lady of the Valley Parish, so that God may continue to look down on us and say “In you, I am well pleased”.

On Thursday 6th February pupils from Bowland School will be coming to visit our church from 9.30am—2pm, and we need volunteers to show them around.  The pupils will be split into groups and each tour would take around half an hour.  There will be a short meeting after Mass tomorrow morning (Monday) for anyone  who is willing to help, when Fr Paul will explain in more detail what is required.

12th January 2020 – The Baptism of the Lord

“When England returns to Walsingham, Our Lady will return to England” – Pope Leo XIII.

As we begin 2020 we approach a most important moment in the spiritual life of our country with the re-dedication of England as the Dowry of Mary.  The consecration takes place on the solemnity of the Annunciation 25th March.  There is then a 3 day triduum of prayer on the 26th, 27th and 28th.  On Sunday 29th March the Catholic Faithful in of England will render to Mary, Mother of God, a personal re-dedication of England as her Dowry.  This will be done throughout the country in Walsingham, Cathedrals, Parishes and homes.  More details to follow as to how you can take part.

England will render to Mary, Mother of God, a personal re-dedication.

The first dedication in 1381 was by King Richard II, when he sought the prayers and protection of Our Lady of Puy in Westminster Abbey, in a time of great political decision and turmoil.

Since 2018 the National Statue of Our Lady of Walsingham has been visiting England’s Catholic Cathedrals for a 3 day triduum of prayer.  As the statue has already visited Salford Cathedral you are encouraged to support the Statue’s visit to Lancaster Cathedral Balmoral Road, Lancaster LA1 3BT from 6th—8th February.  Annually there are 2 two pilgrimages to Walsingham from this area, for details see the poster in our church porch or parish Web site: olotv.org.uk.


Caritas is asking all parishioners to use their gifts and talents to BeTheChange and to help House the Homeless, Build Stronger Families and Communities, and Welcome Refugees. The second collection after Mass and ongoing support will allow Caritas Diocese of Salford to BeTheChange in our parishies across the Diocese. The Caritas representative for our parish is Anthony Brown. There will be a retiring collection at all masses next weekend for Caritas, Diocese of Salford


In Christianity Holy Water is water that has been blessed by a member of the clergy and is used in baptism and to bless individuals, churches, homes and articles of devotion.  The Holy Water fonts known as stoups can be found at the back of churches as you enter, and in Clitheroe  on two of the pillars situated in the side aisles.

Fr Paul has blessed some water this week, and filled Holy Water bottles are now available for sale at the back of church for 50p (for the bottle not the water), in all of our three churches

Why not take one home with you to use to bless your house and family


Parish Finance

The Parish Finance Committee is tasked with assisting the Parish Priest with matters relating to parish finance.  At a recent meeting it was agreed that more information should be shared with all parishioners in order to provide transparency and understanding.  Over the next few weeks items of interest relating to your parish finances will appear in the weekly newsletter

15th December 2019 – Third Sunday of Advent


On the 105th World Day of Migrants and Refugees on September 29th, Pope Francis celebrated mass in St Peter’s Square, Rome, in front of 40,000 faithful.

At the end of mass, he underlined the moral imperative to welcome and give hospitality to refugees by inaugurating a 20-foot tall bronze, three and a half-ton sculpture, in St. Peter’s Square.

Entitled “Angels Unaware”, the work by Canadian artist Timothy P Schmalz depicts 140 migrants and refugees from various historical periods travelling on a boat, and includes the Virgin Mary and Joseph, Jews fleeing Nazi Germany and those from war-torn countries, along with an Angel.

Pope Francis said the statue had been inspired by a passage in “Letter to the Hebrews” from the New Testament: “Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.”

Our Parish continues, alongside members of our community from other faiths and from none, to lend support to refugees and asylum seekers. Recently, a 4 generation family of Sikhs who had fled persecution in Afghanistan, and had been placed by the Home Office in Clitheroe, were finally given leave to remain in the UK. They have since moved to Southall in London to be part of the Sikh community there.

The future of the Kurdish Iraqi family, whose legal costs the Parish has been supporting, is now awaiting the outcome of a Judicial Review – we await the date. Their lawyer thinks they have a strong case. Another Kurdish family also living in Clitheroe, this time from Iran, is awaiting a Home Office decision on their future.

So we think of the migration of the Holy Family, firstly to Bethlehem and then, after the birth of our Lord, to Egypt to escape Herod’s persecution, please pray for a good outcome for these families, and for all others fleeing persecution, war, and famine.