Betty Ward – latest

BETTY WARD, the young parishioner who gave her hair to charity has so far raised £1,358.76 and rising. Well done Betty


16th Sunday in Ordinary Time – 19th July 2015

Dear Parishioners,

Fiona Bruce MP and the All Party Parliamentary Pro-Life Group have written requesting your help.

As many of you will know, Rob Marris MP is trying to legalise assisted suicide.
This battle will be won or lost in constituencies – many MPs we have spoken to are saying that they will “see what their constituents have to say” before making up their minds. The more your MP realises that there is opposition in their constituency, the more likely they will be to vote against. It really is essential that you do all you can to influence their decision. You really will make a difference.
Please could you:

  1. Make contact with your MP using this tool or, you can also use this link
  2. Ask for a meeting at one of their local constituency surgeries. At the meeting, there are two things that need to be communicated:
  • Say that you would like them to oppose the Bill
  • Say that you would like them to turn up on Friday September to 11th to vote against the Bill.

Crucially, we then need you to let us know the results of your efforts. We need this intelligence as it helps us to calculate whether or not we can win the vote.
If you cannot get to see your MP, please write to them in your own words setting out why you oppose assisted suicide using this link (some helpful evidence-based arguments are available here).

Also Archbishop Peter Smith has written: “I strongly urge all Catholics to contact their own MP as soon as possible to express their concern about the dangerous impact which such a Bill would have on the most vulnerable people. MPs do listen to their own constituents. What is needed is more and better palliative care, not assistance with suicide.” I recommend these excellent websites: the Bishops Conference and the Anscombe Bioethics centre
Remember that every charity for the disabled is adamantly opposed to this Bill! Although parliament is in recess the Assisted Dying Bill will be debated after their return on September 7th. Please act now.

Fr John


Laudato Si – Pope Francis encyclical


In his encyclical Laudato Si, Pope Francis calls on us all to make simple daily gestures to care for the world’s poorest people, for future generations and for the earth, our common home. This is an opportunity to live wisely, think deeply and love generously. Where will you start? Here are some ideas: use less water, avoid using paper or plastic, use public transport or car share, turn off the lights, cook only what can be reasonably consumed, plant trees, show care for other living beings.
Alamogordo Simple ideas for how to live more simply and sustainably on the CAFOD website… Sign the CAFOD petition here…

15th Sunday in Ordinary Time – 12th July 2015

Dear Parishioners,

Yet again on Weld Day we were blessed by good weather and a congregation that grows by the year. I’m grateful to those who donated the ice cream, the wine, the strawberries and the cream, as are all who enjoyed them. Over 300 cornets and tubs of ice cream disappeared down children’s throats – help by not a few adults.
The school did a great job in tidying the garden and erecting the gazebo that protected the altar. Early Sunday morning, as a team of men set about organising the site, I reflected that most of this work would better be done the day before and as I scratched my head to remember the arrangements of last and previous years I concluded that the day needs an organising committee. The first Weld Day was overseen by a small group, but gradually over the past six years almost all the organisation has fallen back back to me.
Only a few days before, I had reported to the Parish Forum that the Bishop has asked the clergy to set about handing over the organisation of their parishes and their associated activities to parishioners. He requested this as a welfare measure to prevent burnout and illness among his priests as many take on responsibility for more than one parish and their associated schools, in a world where administration increases by the year and is accompanied by demands for greater accountability and transparency.
So, asks Bishop John of the clergy: free yourselves from administration and property management so that you have more time for the important services that are specific to you and your vocation. At the Forum, I announced that a strategy to form organising groups/committees to take full responsibility for many aspects of parish life must now be a priority for our parish with its three churches and their communities.
Many already exist: Finance, Maintenance, Website, Marriage and Baptism preparation, the choirs, Cafod, Trafficking, Flower guild, the dependable long standing Women’s group and the Knights, Eucharistic Ministers, Readers, Life, Church cleaning and SVP to mention just a number that come to mind as I type. Some of these function exceedingly well, others need reinvigorating, and nearly all need to look at membership. But even this number leaves some aspects of parish life neglected.
Please give this matter serious thought over the holidays, let me have your ideas and in September we shall begin the process.

Fr John


Sabden Garden Party

GARDEN PARTY   Still some unclaimed raffle prizes—no’s 11-15, 41-45 & 51-57, please claim any prizes from the Sacristy—we think the tickets were sold after Mass on Sunday 7th June.


BAPTISM   We welcome to our community Sienna Mai Hitchen who was baptised last Saturday

Parish Draw

PARISH DRAW will commence in September. Cost of a ticket is £20. You will be given a number which will go into the draw which will take place at the end of each month (10 months in total). If you would like a ticket then please fill in one of the blue forms that are available at the back of church with your name, address and telephone number and pop it in the box provided. Please note: In the past if you received your ticket from either Arnold Marsden, Janet Clegg, Peter Sutcliffe, Sheila Webb, Derrick Hutchinson, Anne Marie Williams, or any other agent namely Margaret Marsden who retired or Mary Preedy who sadly passed away YOU STILL NEED TO COMPLETE ONE OF THE SLIPS.


MISSIO (Red Boxes)

MISSIO (Red Boxes) We are asking people to check if they have a red box at home which for some reason may not have been collected for a while. Maybe you have moved house. Envelopes for your donations are available in the porch along with contact details for Janet and Sion Hall. Please call us with any query you may have 01200 428949. As Pope Francis recently said ‘By making a personal donation you are giving a part of yourself, first to the Lord and then to others, which becomes a tool for the evangelisation of humanity built on love.


Foodbank shortages

The Foodbank is currently short of sponge pudding, tinned custard, sauces (tomato or brown) and chocolate treats (inc wrapped choc biscuits). Telephone Ruth Haldane on 07849 534431 if you would like to help or