2nd Sunday of Easter – 3rd April 2016

Dear Parishioners,

First a word of gratitude to all, too many to mention by name, who worked so hard to prepare the Church for Holy Week and all who participated in the ceremonies.  Attendances were really good and it was great to welcome so many parishioners from St Hubert’s.

As you are aware Bishop John has asked each parish to consider how we can best undertake the mission of the Church in Salfoed Diocese in these changing times.  This means identifying our resources and how we might best reorganise ourselves.
In February, the Bishop met over two day meetings with almost all of the priests in the diocese to begin this reflection.  He stressed that, at this point, we are concerned with determining and agreeing “what” we must do in order to face the present and future needs of the diocese.  The “how” we do it will be for a later stage of discussion over the coming summer months.
Now he invites parishes to meet individually, not so much to get into the details of parish amalgamations or church closures, though they will touch on that briefly towards the end of the meeting.  Those detailed discussions will be for a later date.  This meeting is about us, as a parish, accepting that there is a need for change and being open to being part of that change.
Why change?  Back in 2000 we had 191 parishes, containing 206 churches and served by 210 priests.  Now we have 150 parishes, containing 185 churches and served by 155 priests.  Of the 155 priests currently serving our parishes, 124 are diocesan priests but only 106 of those diocesan priests are under the age of 75.  In the next five years, that number will drop to 93 (assuming that they all are able to continue in parish ministry until retirement at 75 and that the present 8 seminarians get ordained).
Change and adaptation is not an option.
More important is Pope Francis’ challenge that “the call to review and renew our parishes has  not yet managed to make them environments of living communion and participation and to make them completely mission orientated.”
So as a parish we shall meet on Wednesday evening in Clitheroe to respond to the challenge of both Pope and Bishop and consider what a modern missionary parish in North Lancashire should look like and be about in the 21st Century.
I urge our three communities based on Dunsop Bridge, Clitheroe and Sabden to COME, answer the call at 7.30pm in the Clitheroe Parish Hall, this Wednesday.

Fr John


Sunday Teas – Dunsop Bridge

Our long standing Sunday teas and refreshments return for the 2016 season in Dunsop Bridge Village Hall.  Come and visit our volunteers in the Village Hall each Sunday from Easter Sunday until the end of August and choose from a delicious selection of homemade sandwiches, cakes and scones.  We are open from 10.30am—16.00 hours.  On Sunday 3rd April the proceeds will go to Our Lady of the Valley parish, St Huberts, so please plan your day of activities with friends and family in either the Dunsop or wider Hodder Valley and commence or end your day with a stop off at the Village Hall for a taste of our freshly homemade refreshments.  If you are available to provide cakes or help to serve the teas please contact Julie Bennett on 01200 448630


The Tombola at the Easter Bonnet Parade raised £118.50.  Thank you to all. We are now a registered charity no 1166189 so can claim Gift Aid. Photos are now available of the foundations of the school building.  The next Bank Transfer will go early April.


Help for Syrian Refugees –

Pete & Rosie Simpson (Anti-Trafficking Network) have a home in Turkey where 50 Syrian refugee families live.  They need unwanted balls of wool, knitting needles or crochet hooks.  Contact Anthony Brown 01200 422811 or a.brown@caritassalford.org.uk


We are HELPING PEOPLE HELP THEMSELVES.  No one wants to live on handouts.  Our priority is to equip people with skills and opportunities to live with dignity, support their families and give something back to their communities.  For further information, please visit our website – http://cafod.org.uk

Palm Sunday – 20th March 2016


This week we embark on a journey that will take us from the joy of Palm Sunday through the suffering and sorrow of Holy Week to the triumph and celebration of Easter.

Maundy Thursday

Clitheroe 8.00pm Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper

We commemorate the last meal that Jesus ate with his disciples in which he washed their feet and instituted the Eucharist. Afterwards he walked to the Garden of Gethsemane where the Apostles were unable to stay awake and pray with him. In darkness he was arrested. We commemorate this by the removal of the Blessed Sacrament to the Altar of Repose. As a community we respond to Christ’s words, “Could you not watch with me one hour?” by watching with Christ from 9.00pm until Compline (the Church’s night prayer) at 10.00pm.

Good Friday
Today is a day of Fast and Abstinence

Clitheroe 9.00am Stations of the Cross

Sabden 10.00am Stations of the Cross

Clitheroe: 10.00am Ecumenical Service at St Mary Magdalene’s, followed by procession of the Cross to Castle Gate

Sabden: 11.00am Ecumenical Service at the Village Cross

Clitheroe 3.00pm Celebration of the Lord’s Passion

Jesus died at the ninth hour, three o’clock in the afternoon. We gather in mourning to hear St John’s account of Jesus’ Passion; to pray for all for whom Christ died; to venerate the cross on which he died; and to share the fruit of his redeeming death in Holy Communion.

Holy Saturday    

Clitheroe 8.00pm Easter Vigil

In darkness, the Easter fire and the blessing of the Paschal Candle celebrate Our Saviour’s resurrection from the dead and the victory of light over darkness. Extended readings recall God’s redeeming acts throughout history that culminated in the Resurrection. The Easter Water is blessed and we are invited to commit ourselves afresh to Christ by renewing our baptismal promises. This Vigil Mass is the most important Service of the whole year and should be attended even in preference to Mass on Easter Sunday itself.

Easter Sunday

Clitheroe 9.30am Mass & Renewal of Baptismal Promises

Dunsop Bridge 10am Mass & Renewal of Baptismal Promises

Sabden 11am Mass & Renewal of Baptismal Promises


A prayerful Holy Week and Joyous Easter to all our parishioners…


Please continue your prayers for peace in Syria. Thanks to your generous donations, CAFOD’s Church and local partners are on the front-line reaching vulnerable families. More than 100,000 Syrians have been helped directly with food, medical care, hygiene and children’s education. A durable ceasefire would enable our partners in Syria to scale up their support.

Fifth Sunday of Lent – 13th March 2016

Dear Parishioners,

You may recall a few weeks ago that I quoted Pope Francis stating that we shouldn’t think of sin as a ‘stain’ on the soul that needs washing away but rather as a wound that needs healing. There is a sacrament of this, that heals both spiritually and psychologically: it is the sacrament of Reconciliation, also known as Confession.

In the same interview Pope Francis was asked: “You have said many times, that God never tires of forgiving, it is we who get tired of asking him for forgiveness. Why does God never tire of forgiving us?”

He replied: “Because he is God, because he is mercy, and because mercy is the first attribute of God. Mercy is the name of God.

There are no situations we cannot get out of; we are not condemned to sink into quicksand, in which the more we move the deeper we sink. Jesus is there, his hand extended, ready to reach out to us and pull us out of the mud, out of sin, out of the abyss of evil into which we have fallen. We need only be conscious of our state, be honest with ourselves, and not lick our wounds. We need to ask for the grace to recognize ourselves as sinners. The more we acknowledge that we are in need, the more shame and humility we feel, the sooner we will feel his embrace of grace. Jesus waits for us, he goes ahead of us, he extends his hand to us, he is patient with us. God is faithful. Mercy will always be greater than any sin; no one can put a limit on the love of the all-forgiving God.

Just by looking at him, just by raising our eyes from ourselves and our wounds, we leave an opening for the action of his grace. Jesus performs miracles with our sins, with what we are, with our nothingness, with our wretchedness.

This week the First Holy Communion children from our three schools, Dunsop, Clitheroe and Sabden, will receive the sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time.

On Tuesday evening at St Michael and St John’s beginning at 6.30pm.

On Wednesday evening at St Mary’s Sabden, beginning at 6pm

Parents and parishioners are invited and encouraged to join with them and take advantage of this opportunity to receive this great sacrament of healing, forgiveness and peace.

Fr John


Fourth Sunday of Lent – 6th March 2016

Dear Parishioners,

Defending one’s faith or religion in general is challenging. It demands trust in Jesus’ promises and belief in the assistance of the Holy Spirit.

This is how George Brandis, Australia’s Attorney General did so towards the end of last year.

Religious freedom is just as important as political freedom, he said, in a speech given on November 5th at Australia’s Human Rights Commission’s Religious Freedom Roundtable, held in Sydney.

The event was meant to provide a forum for people of diverse religious faiths and also those who do not profess a faith, but who take an interest in religious affairs.

“To those who are adherents of a religious faith – and in Australia, according to the last census, that was seven among every 10 of us – religion can be the most fundamental source of our sense of right and wrong; and of those beliefs about mankind and his place in the cosmos which transcend the everyday.”

He noted that many notions of political liberties had their origin in the struggles for religious liberty, referring to the political battles of the 17th and 18th centuries in England and to the writings of such authors as John Milton and John Locke.

At the same time over the Atlantic, in the colonies of North America, there was a strong commitment to religious liberty, not least in the writings of such persons as Thomas Jefferson.

In more recent times Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights strongly affirmed the right to religious freedom and liberty of conscience.

Turning to the current situation in Australia, Brandis commented that sometimes there is an inconsistent attitude towards religious tolerance. “Members of Christian faiths – in particular the Catholic faith – are routinely the subject of mockery and insult by prominent writers and commentators, provoking Mr Dyson Heydon’s observation, in his Acton Lecture last year, that ‘anti-Catholicism in Australia now might be called the racism of the intellectuals’ – or perhaps he should have said, the pseudo-intellectuals,” Brandis observed.

He also referred to what he termed the “incessant, smearing ridicule” of the former Prime Minister, Tony Abbott, on account of his religious faith, describing it as “bigotry at its most shameful.”

In our country it is no different: anti-Catholicism remains the last respectable prejudice. So I say to George Brandis, “Good on ya, mate!”

Fr John

Third Sunday of Lent – 28th February 2016

Dear Parishioners,

Lent is flying by with only a month to go before we celebrate the great Easter feast.

If you haven’t yet made a Lenten resolution or if you have already broken one, don’t worry. With a month to go it isn’t too late to start afresh. Don’t let time slip you by; do something for Lent, no matter how small it may be.

The final parish meetings to study and discuss Pope Francis’ important letter Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel) are on Wednesday of this week, 2nd March, and Wednesday of next week, the 9th. Tea and cake is available from 7.15pm, the meeting begins at 7.30 and lasts only one hour until 8.30pm, though some then take the opportunity of an extra cuppa and further chat. These last two sessions will hopefully generate ideas of how best we may become the Missionary Parish that both Pope Francis and Bishop John are urging us to be. Why not do something positive for lent by coming along?

Last week I was able to send a cheque for £1,000.oo to Oliveaid, the charity run by Bethlehem’s Catholic University which provides olive tree saplings to Palestinian families whose trees and therefore their livelihoods have been taken by that infamous security wall. £258.oo was raised by Christmas Crib donations and £430.oo by donations from parishioners. Thank you all. The charity supports Muslim as well as Christian families and particularly has helped Christian families remain in the Holy Land.

This weekend the Easter Lily Remembrance Book opens at the back of St Michael and St John’s. For paying the cost of an Easter Lily, £3, donors may write the name of a deceased member of their family or a friend or indeed for anyone for whom they may be praying in the Easter Lily Book which will remain at the Altar during Eastertide. The resulting display of lilies magnificently decorates the sanctuary during this most important time of the Church’s year.

The popular Family Paschal candles have arrived complete with stands and are still only £10 each. I have only 10, so first come first served.

St Michael and John’s needs more volunteers to read at Mass. Please don’t be afraid of stepping forward, particularly younger members of the congregation. It isn’t as daunting as you may think and we will help with training. Please speak to either of the priests or to Teresa Mercer.

Fr John