
BAPTISM: We welcome Elliot Philip Greatorex who was baptised at St Michael & St John’s last Saturday, 15th August.

The Assumption – 16th August 2015

Is this a web address you recognise? You should do because it is the parish website. Yes, our parish has an active and functioning website. It is full of information about all three Churches, including history, Mass times and the many events that happen and which make our parish a vibrant active place.

Click onto Groups and find information about parish groups, who to contact and how to join. These are only a fraction of the groups active in the parish. Why are others not listed? Because no one in those groups has sent in information and photographs! So if you are part of a group not listed, then get your page up to date.

The website also has a Facebook page and a Twitter account. The Facebook page is accessible through the website, but you will need a Facebook account yourself. Then you can join the olotv group. Facebook gives access to further information about parish life and things that should concern us. Also this is a useful platform for advertising your events and getting feedback from others. You can display pictures and comments.

This is not just for teenagers, we are all welcome. You may think that technology is not for you. But we need everyone to join in young or old. It’s not as difficult as you think, though if you are older, you may need a helping hand and some of the website group will be happy to help.

We also need younger members of the parish to get involved – you are the computer generation! Post your comments let us know what you think. The parish and indeed the church as a whole is always looking for fresh views and to encourage the young to make their voice heard and their presence felt.

So look at the website, tell us what you think, join in the discussions and post your views and comments on Facebook.

Our website provides a window into our parish and people from many parts of the UK and from as far away as Australia and America have looked in – often to learn what times our Masses are!

The website is still being built and is run and maintained by a small group of volunteers and we need more parishioners to join us. So why not join us?

To find out more see our contact page.

The Website team

19th Sunday in Ordinary Time – 9th August 2015

Dear Parishioners,

The Anglican Church has also urged their members to voice concerns over the Assisted Suicide Bill. Their Press release reads:

Churchgoers are being encouraged to contact their MPs to highlight the risks involved in proposed legislation to legalise assisted suicide.
James Newcome, Bishop of Carlisle, has asked that parishioners either make an appointment to see their MP or write them a letter expressing their concerns about a Private Member’s Bill to be debated in the House of Commons on Friday September 11th.
The Bill is expected to seek to grant physician-assisted suicide for mentally competent, terminally ill adults, who have six months or less to live.
Bishop James, the Church of England’s lead bishop on health care, said the proposed legislation, if passed into law, would have a detrimental effect both on individuals and on the nature of society.
He said: “Our concern about this proposed legislation is rooted in our practical care for the most vulnerable in our society. In our communities and through healthcare chaplaincy, the Church of England cares daily for the elderly, the ill, the dying and their families.
“If this Bill is passed we will have crossed a line that will make the future very uncertain and dangerous for a significant proportion of the most vulnerable people, including the elderly and those living with disabilities.
“This is a key moment for all of us as we decide what sort of society we want to live in and what future we want for our children and grandchildren, one in which all are valued and cared for, or one in which some lives are viewed as not worth living.
“I ask those who are happy to do so, to contact their MPs, either by making an appointment to see them in person at their constituency surgery, or by letter, to make it clear that they oppose this Bill.”
To hear a full interview with James Newcome on the Assisted Dying Bill listen here:

Please share this press release with your Anglican friends and encourage them to contact their MPs.

Fr John

A reminder that contact details for MPs can be found on the Parliament website at

18th Sunday in Ordinary Time – 2nd August 2015

Dear Parishioners,

“How great a lie …to make people think that lives affected by grave illness are not worth living!” Pope Francis

Whilst hospital visiting an elderly and frail lady whom I didn’t know, asked whether I could answer a difficult question: “I’ve told the doctor that if I have another heart attack I don’t want resuscitating. Was that wrong?” I reassured her that she had nothing to worry about because we are not obliged to use extraordinary means to maintain life. I then explained that her decision was not a form of assisted suicide but that she had simply decided to leave matters in God’s hands.
That advice is totally in line with the principles of Church teaching, as described in the Day for Life cards that are available at the back of church.

The first principle is that we embrace life. Every person is loved by God and every life is a precious gift never to be destroyed or neglected. It is wrong to hasten or bring about death. God will call us in his good time.

The second principle is that we accept death. This means there is no obligation to pursue medical treatment when it no longer has any effect or, indeed, harms the patient, or where the risks or burdens of the treatment outweigh the likely benefits.

Both these principles should guide our decisions when faced with a medical crisis.
Needless to say, such important decisions are best faced with others – medical and care experts along with immediate and extended family members. The family, after all, should be the privileged place where we find mutual support and understanding.
In such discussions these two questions can guide us:

“Does this decision love and respect life?”

“Does this decision accept the inevitability of death?”

We should attempt to answer yes to both, as life itself is a gift from God and death but the gateway to new life with Him.
For further information go to:

Finally, please do contact your MP and ask him to oppose the Assisted Dying (Assisted Suicide) Bill to be debated in Parliament in a month’s time. Contact details for Nigel Evans: House of Commons, London SW1 OAA or email: Other MP’s can be found on Parliament’s website:

Fr John

Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes


As you know 30 of our parishioners left for Lourdes on Friday. Why not visit our Parish Website—OLOTV- to view the official Salford Diocesan Pilgrimage daily blog!!!

ALSO you can watch the Salford Diocese Grotto Mass as it takes place—click here:  Lourdes Live 24/24 where you get live coverage of events. This Mass will take place on Tuesday morning at 8.30am local time, 7.30am here in England.

Your petitions will be placed in the grotto on Sunday afternoon, at 3pm local time, 2pm English time

17th Sunday in Ordinary Time – 26th July 2015 – Day for Life

Dear Parishioners,

Cherishing life, Accepting Death is the title of this year’s DAY FOR LIFE, an appropriate theme as we ponder the prospect of the Assisted Dying Bill to be debated by Parliament on 11th September.
Preaching at Mass earlier in the year, Pope Francis said, “The two texts in the day’s liturgy (Acts 20:17-27 & John 17:1-11) say the word ‘goodbye’: Paul entrusts his own to God, and Jesus entrusts his disciples to the Father”
Before the images of Paul who weeps, kneeling on the beach and that of Jesus weeping in his heart as he leaves his disciples, Pope Francis recommended that we reflect on ourselves and ask ourselves: “who will be the person to close my eyes? What will I leave?”
He noted: “Paul and Jesus, in these passages, both do an examination of conscience: ‘I have done this, this and this’. And thus it is good to ask oneself, in a sort of examination of conscience: ‘What have I done?’ And to do so with the awareness that it is good for me to imagine myself at that moment: one never knows which ‘see you later’, ‘see you soon’, ‘see you tomorrow’, ‘until we meet again’ will become our final ‘goodbye’”.
The Holy Father then invited further reflection: “Am I prepared to entrust to God all of my loved ones, to entrust myself to God? To say that word which is the Son’s word of entrustment to the Father?”
Pope Francis also encouraged us to find a little time to read Chapter 16 of the Gospel according to John or Chapter 19 of the Acts of the Apostles. These are “the farewell of Jesus and the farewell of Paul”.
“In the light of these very texts, it is important to think that one day I too will have to say that word: ‘goodbye’. “To God I entrust my soul; to God I entrust my history; to God I entrust my loved ones; to God I entrust all”.
He concluded, “let us commemorate Jesus’ goodbye as we pray “that Jesus, died and risen, will send us the Holy Spirit so that we learn this word, learn to say with all our strength this last word: ‘goodbye’”. The moment of that utterance we leave in God’s hands.

Despite the distraction of the holidays please do remember to contact your MP asking them not to vote for the Assisted Dying Bill.

Fr John


Betty Ward – latest

BETTY WARD, the young parishioner who gave her hair to charity has so far raised £1,358.76 and rising. Well done Betty


16th Sunday in Ordinary Time – 19th July 2015

Dear Parishioners,

Fiona Bruce MP and the All Party Parliamentary Pro-Life Group have written requesting your help.

As many of you will know, Rob Marris MP is trying to legalise assisted suicide.
This battle will be won or lost in constituencies – many MPs we have spoken to are saying that they will “see what their constituents have to say” before making up their minds. The more your MP realises that there is opposition in their constituency, the more likely they will be to vote against. It really is essential that you do all you can to influence their decision. You really will make a difference.
Please could you:

  1. Make contact with your MP using this tool or, you can also use this link
  2. Ask for a meeting at one of their local constituency surgeries. At the meeting, there are two things that need to be communicated:
  • Say that you would like them to oppose the Bill
  • Say that you would like them to turn up on Friday September to 11th to vote against the Bill.

Crucially, we then need you to let us know the results of your efforts. We need this intelligence as it helps us to calculate whether or not we can win the vote.
If you cannot get to see your MP, please write to them in your own words setting out why you oppose assisted suicide using this link (some helpful evidence-based arguments are available here).

Also Archbishop Peter Smith has written: “I strongly urge all Catholics to contact their own MP as soon as possible to express their concern about the dangerous impact which such a Bill would have on the most vulnerable people. MPs do listen to their own constituents. What is needed is more and better palliative care, not assistance with suicide.” I recommend these excellent websites: the Bishops Conference and the Anscombe Bioethics centre
Remember that every charity for the disabled is adamantly opposed to this Bill! Although parliament is in recess the Assisted Dying Bill will be debated after their return on September 7th. Please act now.

Fr John


Laudato Si – Pope Francis encyclical


In his encyclical Laudato Si, Pope Francis calls on us all to make simple daily gestures to care for the world’s poorest people, for future generations and for the earth, our common home. This is an opportunity to live wisely, think deeply and love generously. Where will you start? Here are some ideas: use less water, avoid using paper or plastic, use public transport or car share, turn off the lights, cook only what can be reasonably consumed, plant trees, show care for other living beings.
buy modafinil canada online Simple ideas for how to live more simply and sustainably on the CAFOD website…
Gudermes Sign the CAFOD petition here…