9th May 2021 – Sixth week of Easter

Today               Mass 12 (Saturday) Dunsop Bridge

Mass 5pm (Saturday) Clitheroe

Mass 9.30am Clitheroe

Mass 11am Sabden


Monday           Mass 10am Clitheroe

Tuesday           Mass 10am Clitheroe

Wednesday     Mass 10am Clitheroe
Mass 6.30pm Clitheroe (Ascension)

Thursday          The Ascension of the Lord

Mass:       9am Sabden
10am Clitheroe
12 noon Dunsop Bridge

Friday               Mass 10am Clitheroe

Sunday             Mass 12 noon (Saturday) Dunsop Bridge
Mass 5pm (Saturday) Clitheroe
Mass 9.30am Clitheroe
Mass 11am Sabden

Ascension is not just a feast that happens to fall in Eastertide: it is an integral part of the Easter mystery. Remember the Lord’s words at the Last Supper: “I am going to prepare a place for you, and after I have gone and prepared you a place, I shall return to take you with me”.

The resurrection presumes the Lord’s return to the Father. This is therefore a feast of hope: our hope in the Lord’s return, as he went. Our hope that he will take us with him, when our bodies are raised as his was. Our hope that we will take our place in heaven, where he sits on the Father’s right.

Message from Cafod: As coronavirus brings devastation across India, CAFOD is working with experienced local Church agency, Caritas India, to provide vital support to poor and marginalised communities. Donations to CAFOD’s Coronavirus Appeal will help Caritas India distribute PPE kits to frontline health workers, promote COVID & vaccine awareness campaigns, and set up safely run isolation & quarantine centres. If you would like to make a donation you can do so on line: cafod.org.uk/give.  Please keep praying for the people of India and all those affected by the pandemic

Pauline Klivis x 2, Mr & Mrs Klivis, Dorothy Raynor, Mr & Mrs Raynor,
Special Intention x 2, McGuire family, Rita & Frank Donbavand

Live Simply – Thought for the Week

Could you take part in the ‘No Mow May’ challenge? Letting the flowers bloom on your lawn helps to provide a vital source of nectar for bees and other insects. This is why we’re asking you to take on a special challenge to support Plantlife’s ‘No Mow May’ project.  (plantlife.org.uk)

Laudato Si Week 2021

“for we know that things can change”(LS 13)

 (to be held May 16-24), will be the crowning event of the Special Laudato Si’ Anniversary Year and a celebration of the great progress the whole Church has made on its journey to ecological conversion. Laudato Si’ Week 2021 will also be a time to reflect on what the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us and prepare for the future with hope.  https://youtu.be/xOUxcNHxCWw


It has been hard for many people during the Covid restrictions to keep in touch with what is happening in the Parish and I’m sure that some people are feeling isolated.  The Communications and Media Group has been discussing ways of reaching out to people and we came up with the idea of a Buddy System which we agreed at the last Parish Forum.

Please let us know of anybody (with their permission of course) who would welcome the odd ‘phone call to talk about Parish matters and have someone to contact for information.

We are also seeking names and contact details for people who would be prepared to act as the “Buddy”.

Please contact Anthony Brown on abrown.boggarts@googlemail.com or Janet Clegg on smsj@btinternet.com with your name and contact details if you would like to be part of this scheme and we will get back to you.



This month we will be joining with Christians in over 170 countries, and from within 80 different traditions, in the Thy Kingdom Come prayer movement. We are invited to pray during the eleven days from Ascension to Pentecost i.e. between Thursday 13th – Sunday 23rd May. We are inviting all Christians in our community to enter into Thy Kingdom Come in the hope that friends, family, neighbours and colleagues may come to faith in Jesus Christ.

During the 11 days of Thy Kingdom Come, the focus will be on:
• Deepening our relationship with Jesus Christ
• Praying for five friends or family to come to, or be restored to, faith in Jesus
• Praying for the empowerment of the Spirit that we would be effective in our witness.

Further information, including prayer helps can be found in the links within the attached documents.


Offering a space for Christians to explore and deepen faith…
Seek ‘life in all its fullness’

CREATED & LED BY DONNA WORTHINGTON; all retreats are an invitation to be rejuvenated and affirmed in faith, to know Christ better and to open up sacred space in order to listen to the Holy Spirit and experience a living spirituality that consoles, challenges and inspires.  Varied methods enable Christians to deepen their own discipleship and travel on in their faith journeys (presentation, theological discussion, stillness, prayer, creative sessions, images, music etc).

Courses and training are also offered so individuals and groups can explore Scripture, prayer and faith’s themes and feel equipped to become prayer leaders in their own communities.

All retreats cost £20, unless otherwise stated.  For bookings, please see the website or contact Donna Worthington:


2021 – May
  We follow Jesus into the Wilderness
Sat 8th May 2-5pm OR Mon 10th May 10am – 1pm

THE ARAMAIC LORD’S PRAYER:  A morning, soaking in Jesus’ profound and beautiful prayer in its original language.
Sat 15th May 10am – 1pm

PENTECOST:  The divine fire and the call to go forth into a life based on freedom and hope
Sun 23rd May 2-5pm

2021 – June-July
: We became alert to the spiritual dynamic in his journey in order to explore this path
Sat 12th June 2-5pm OR Mon 14th June 10am – 1pm

If people wish to, they may attend Part 2 of this retreat on Peter on Sunday 27th June 2 – 5pm

(REPEAT) THE PROBLEM OF EVIL:  This issue has caused many to question their faith.  We explore this from various angles in order to think the whole subject through, understand various approaches and see how this does not need to be an obstacle to faith.
Sat 23rd June 6.30pm – 9pm

THE HANDLESS WOMAN : Through the depths of an ancient story ‘The Handless Woman’, we will explore the wisdom which speaks to our heroic journeying.
Sat 24th July 10am – 1pm



“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.”  – Colossians 4:3

From Clitheroe Christians in Partnership, this is the latest theme for our prayer as a town and, we are praying for those in chains.

“Blessed and merciful Lord, some have lost their freedom and access to justice and we pray for all such, for their restoration and journey into faith through Christ.

Others have lost their freedom through injustice and persecution as they stand for the rights of common people – we lift up their plight to You.

We pray for the all those in unchecked power who oppress athis nd silence the voices of those that seek freedom for all people; that their deeds will be made visible and they will be convicted of the cruelty of their abuse and find a pathway to God.”

Pray for the Light of Our Lord to shine in nations where freedom is currently restricted: MYANMAR, YEMEN, CHINA/HONG KONG, EGYPT, COLOMBIA, RUSSIA, ZIMBABWE, The PHILIPPINES, AFGHANISTAN and LIBYA.

For the victims of oppression, we pray this month for:

Nonoy Espina, chair of the national union of Journalists of the Philippines as he represents a free press and campaigns following the murders of 191 journalists since 1986. The mission of the NUoJ is to continue upholding press freedom; to protect journalists from attacks, threats, and harassment; and to organise media workers for better working conditions.

In 2010 a young Tunisian man Mohamed Bouazizi set himself on fire in the town of Sidi Bouazizi in protest at mistreatment by the authorities. Pray for the work of the Truth and Dignity Commission, established in response to this tragedy, as it works to ensure justice against human rights violations in Tunisia.

For Ibrahim Ezz el-Din in Egypt, labelled as a terrorist in his campaign as a housing rights activist for the poor and homeless and kept in pre-trial detention for thirteen months, tortured and suffering from ill health and depression. For Yu Wensheng an imprisoned Chinese Human Rights lawyer convicted at a secret trial to serve four years for inciting subversion of state power.

For the singer Yahaya Sharif-Aminu sentenced to death by the Upper Sharia Court in northern Nigeria for placing a song on WhatsApp that is allegedly blasphemous. Not permitted a lawyer at his trial, he has been able to lodge an appeal with help from the international human rights community.

For Tran Huynh Duy Thuc a Vietnamese business person imprisoned for sixteen years to be followed by five years house arrest for advocating social, educational, economic and democratic reform via the media of blogging.

Lord of all that is right, may they not become forgotten prisoners, may they be protected from torture, may they be sustained in captivity until their chains are broken and they are free at last.

Soul of Christ, sanctify them

Body of Christ, save them

Blood of Christ, inebriate them

Water from the side of Christ, wash over them

Passion of Christ, strengthen them

O good Jesus, hear us

Within thy wounds hide them

From the wicked foe defend them.


Monday May 17th – detached youth work/ youth social in the castle park, 6:30pm. Meet Lucy and Chris at the park for fun and a space to freely hang out and talk about things. This is an invitation for all young people in our churches.

Monday May 24th – next RVY Livestream, 7pm on the YouTube channel.

Please feel free to bring this information to the attention of your congregations as you wish.

Graphics in PDF and jpg form are attached if you would like to use them.

As always, if you have anything you would like to publicise on through RVY please get in touch with Chris or Lucy.





The Conservation of Bellmanpark Limekilns

A virtual presentation of the Urgent Conservation Repair Works by Project Lead Consultant

Jayne Entwistle

Monday 10th May 2021 at 7.30pm

Civic Society Members & Students Free

Visitors & Members Guests (£3.00)

Access details via ccstickets@btinternet.com

This week a report from a Pantomime performed in 1933





(Given by kind permission of Messrs Abel Heywood)

The Catholic Operatic Society will give a REPEAT PERFORMANCE ON]


Full Orchestra under the direction of Mr Bar Cross.   Leader: Mr.J.Tomlinson

Doors open at 7pm; Commence at 7.30pm

Admission:  Reserved Seats, 2/- and 1/6.  Unreserved 1/-

Seats Now Booking at the Advertiser and Times Office, 6, Market Place until

Saturday, after Saturday at Miss Driver’s, Confectioners, Lowergate


Popular Pantomime Succeeds at

The Hall


     Seven years old Jacqueline Crawford made a distinct hit in the pantomime “Dick Whittington produced at The Hall Lowergate, on Christmas Night, Boxing Night and Wednesday night.  In spite of her tender years Jacqueline is a very gifted little actress.  She dominated the stage at her every appearance, and her singing of “There’s something about a soldier” was the finest part of the panto, and that is saying a very great deal.  Jacqueline has personality, who has that elusive quality referred to vulgarly in movieland as “It.”

Pantomime has become a tradition at The Hall.  A high standard attained by repeated successes in past years has been set and this standard was fully maintained by this week’s performances.  Again the production was in the hands of Mrs Sherliker and Mrs D Crawford, and they added to the laurels they have earned in past years by presenting a delightful and merry pantomime, full of action and lilting song from start to finish.  A successful pantomime needs to be well dressed and must have an abundance of tuneful numbers.  There must be dances in profusion and an unlimited variety of scenes.  All these ingredients were faithfully served up in “Dick Whittington,” a bright lively show teeming with good things.  It was just such an entertainment as makes an appeal at Christmastide, something to sit back in one’s chair and enjoy thoroughly without the expenditure of much mental effort.

The Tale They Told

The story, of course, following the usual pantomime custom, was extremely slight and followed the lines of the old legend of Dick Whittington, who turned again.  The way in which Richard Whittington, Esq;l made his fortune was rather clever.  He suddenly made his appearance with is famous cat at the Palace of an Eastern Potentate, whose land was overfun by rats.  He offered no less than a million pounds to get rid of the pests, and in less than apparently than it takes to write, Tibby did the work for Richard.  The next time we see the pair Dick has been made Lord Mayor of London and he comes to claim the hand of his childhood sweetheart Alice, while the bells of Bow ring out “Turn again Dick Whittington,” though why they should have chosen that particular moment to do so is rather incomprehensible.  No matter.  Nothing matters in pantomime except that the audience shall enjoy the show and this the audience at The Hall certainly did.

If there is one thing the performances at The Hall are noted for is the children’s chorus, and this group of bonny little girls excelled themselves this year.  They were tutored by Mrs Crawford, and in song and dance were a distinct credit to her.  They were beautifully dressed and they danced with precision and a cleverness that was both pleasing and astounding.  In fact the dancing of the whole chorus, both adult and children’s was one of the most enjoyable features of the pantomime.

The Principal Boy

Miss Winnie Gould was again cast for the part of principal boy and she fills this role remarkably well.  She has a good stage presence, acts charmingly and sings very sweetly.  Miss Edith Manley was pretty and sweet as the principal girl, Alice, and she sang and dances with great charm.  Miss Marie Sherliker is a very talented dancer indeed in spite of her youth.  She is extremely graceful and in addition to toe dancing can step dance splendidly.

She added greatly to the pleasure of the evening.  Miss H.Hargreaves is to be congratulated upon her performance as the cat.  In her furry skin she must have felt the heat acutely but she bore up well, and was a very clever pantomime cat indeed.  Mr J O’Donnell was responsible for a good deal of the humour of the panto and it was in good hands for he made an excellent dame.

Little Jack was excellently presented by Miss C Chatburn, and Mr J.Geldard made an admirable Fitzwarren, the bullying master of Richard, ere he fled to foreign climes.  Mr W Manley was the typical pantomime Emperor, more funny than regal, more rollicking than dignified.  He was well supported by his attendants, Messrs. C.White, T.Sherliker, D.Turner, V.Bush and J Bailey.  Mr C White made the best of a slight part as the policeman, and Mr J.Chatburn was just the right type of sea captain, bluff and hearty.  Mr White was also cast for the part of the fairy queen, which gave him opportunities to poke fun and add humour to the piece.  Master J.Bailey was a splendid footman.  Fairies were introduced to the story to assist Dick Whittington in his fortune hunting, and the parts were capitally filled by the children as follows: Greta Dickinson (Dawn), Joan Rigby (Sunray), Jacqueline Crawford (Mischief), Connie Houghton (Jazz), Dorothy Geldard (Aerial), Mary Walsh (Crystal) and Agnes Wrigley (Moonshine).

Adding to the Pleasure

And so the cast of Dick Whittington is completed, but there are others who added considerably to the pleasure of the audience.  Miss Mamie Carter, soprano, and Mr Fred Long, tenor, in songs and duets were greatly appreciated and loudly applauded.  Miss Carter sang beautifully “My hero,” using her pleasing voice to distinct advantage, while she was associated with Mr Long in the honours for the duets “Only a rose” and “Wild roses blooming.”  It was unfortunate that Mr Long was afflicted with a very severe cold, for his voice lost a lot of power but he rendered “Moonlight Madonna” very pleasingly.  Miss Maggie Bailey sand well in “Letting in the sunshine” and “Well done Gordon,” being the central figure of effective chorus work in both scenes.  Miss Houghton sang “Sundown” and “Spinning Wheel” with great success.  Other extraneous items included “Wear a great big smile, “admirably sung by Mr J.Geldard, who added greatly to the liveliness of the evening and who was splendidly assisted by the choruses.  More happiness was created by the song “Smiles” presented by Miss Gould, Messrs W.Manley, J.Geldard, R.Turner and the chorus.  Much merriment was created by Messrs. Manley and Geldard in the amusing duet “I raised by hat,” and Miss Gould was heard to great advantage in the song “In that little back alley” number with a distinct pantomime flavour.  Little Jacqueline was splendid in A.B.C. and her singing of this delightful little feat of memory for one so young.  She was ably assisted by Dorothy Geldard, Evelyn Boyers, Joan Rigby, Greta Dickinson, Eunice Robinson, Winnie and Agnes Wrigley.  There was more humour when Mr Jack O’Donnell, the dame of the show, combined with mr J.Geldard in the lively song “We’re just as good as they is.”  Miss Gould and Miss Manley sang very sweetly “I may never pass this way again,” and plenty of action was infused into the number “Zip in the air” in which Miss Marie Sherliker was associated with A.Morris and the children.  Miss Sherliker, Greta Dickinson and Dorothy Geldard combined in a very pretty number “Dragon Fly.”  Mr Walter Manley and the four Sultanas, Misses Winnie Chatburn, Monica Wright, Marie Sherliker and Margaret Chatburn, gave “Mary Rose” with complete success, Miss Chatburn adding to the charm of this Eastern scene by her splendid acrobatic dancing.

A Born Artist

As we have previously indicated the most successful number of the evening was the popular “There’s something about a soldier.” in which Mr O’Donnell, Mr Geldard and Jacqueline Crawford were principals.  Jacqueline carried the audience by storm.  She know how to use her eyes.  By the slightest gesture she conveys the impression she wishes to the audience, and she is indeed a very clever little artiste.  One of the prettiest scenes of the evening was “Crinoline,” a refreshing change from syncopation, and presented by Miss Bailey and the young ladies and young men in the chorus.  A fitting conclusion to this fine entertainment was “Let’s all be happy together,” sung by Misses W.Gould, E.Manley, and Messrs J.Geldard and J.O’Donnell.

The whole company was composed of Jacqueline Crawford, Betty Cornwell, Pat Cookson, Joan Cottam, Dorothy Geldard, Winnie Vose, Joan Rigby, Evelyn Boyers, Stacia Long, Eileen Joyce, Betty Frankland, Eunice Robinson, Winnie Wrigley, Greta Dickinson, Brenda Dickinson, Mary Walsh, Connid Houghton, Peggy Glancy, Joan Richardson, Mary Hargreaves, Margaret Chatburn, Millicent Hargreaves, Agnes Morris, Agnes Wrigley, Misses Marie Sherliker, Mary Grisenthwaite, Winifred Murray, Monica Wright, Edith Manley, Winnie Gould, Winnie Chatburn, Mrs Byrne, Mrs Houghton, Mrs O’Donnell, Misses Madeline Reid amd Mamie Carter, Messrs Walter Manley, Dick Turner, Jack Geldard, Jack Chatburn, Kenneth Sherliker, Vernon Bush, John Morris, C.White, Fred Bailey, Francis Wrigley, Joseph Bailey, John O’Donnell and Fred Long.

The stage work, which was excellent was in the hands of Messrs W.Brown, W & B Holden, carpenters and stage managers, while Messrs B.Simpson and T.Cookson were electricians.

The orchestra, conducted by Mr Bert Cross, and led by Mr James Tomlinson, was an excellent factor of the pantomime, and consisted of Messrs J.Tomlinson, J.Whatmough, W.Jackson (violins); Mr Marsden, Miss M.Shaw (flutes); Messrs C.Isherwood (cello); S.Gudgeon (bass); W.Nutter (cornet); J.Wilkinson (trombone); and Mrs W.Sharples (piano).

Posted in Clitheroe, Dunsop Bridge, Sabden, Weekly View.