11th April 2021 – Divine Mercy Sunday

pointlessly Second week of Easter

Sunday                      Mass 5pm (Saturday) Clitheroe

                                  Mass 9am Dunsop Bridge

                                  Mass 9.30am Clitheroe

                                  Mass 11am Sabden


Monday                    Mass 10am Clitheroe

Tuesday                    Mass 10am Clitheroe

Wednesday              Mass 10am Clitheroe

Thursday                   Mass 10am Clitheroe

Friday                        Mass 10am Clitheroe


Sunday                      Mass 12 noon (Saturday) Dunsop Bridge

                                  Mass 5pm (Saturday) Clitheroe

                                  Mass 9.30am Clitheroe

                                  Mass 11am Sabden


Frank Worden, Special Intention, Chris Carr x 2, Olive Whitwell, Margaret Harrison,
Fiona Douglas, Hazel Whittaker, Brian Ashton

Eileen Johnson, Chris Carr, Joyce Gorrighan

Live simply thought of the week:

Become a green purchaser: before buying,

think ‘do I need it or just want it’.


APRIL 11th 2021

St Joseph’s, Audley Range,
Blackburn BB1 1TG
2.30pm – 3.30pm
Chaplet 3pm.

No Confessions

The next Parish Forum will be held at 7:30 pm on Monday, 19th April via Zoom.  If you have anything you would like discussed please let me (Carol Riley) know by 11th April on Tel 01200 426769or e-Mail cariley.t21@btinternet.com


The final update to our virtual journey.  We ‘arrived ‘ in Lourdes on Easter Sunday after cycling 1216 miles in 51 days, in the beautiful local countryside through wind, rain, hail and sunshine.

Thank you to all who have encouraged us on our way and for the generous donations that have been made. We have been overwhelmed by the support we have received. We have raised over £2500 so far, but you can still sponsor us if you wish to support this worthy cause.

Mary’s Meals is a charity dedicated to providing life changing meals to some of the worlds poorest children. Their vision is that every child receives one daily meal in their place of education and that all those who have more than they need, share with those who lack even the most basic things. We would really appreciate your support in helping raise funds for this charity. You can read more about their great work and perhaps donate to our project via the link below.

Alternatively you may like to ring Arnold Marsden on 01200 427096 or email cycle21lourdes@yahoo.com to be added to our sponsor list.

CCP (Clitheroe Churches in Partnership)

Following the Hamper project please find a link to a short video expressing thanks to everyone involved in the project.



The Communication and Media Group is looking at ways to improve communication and community in the Parish so that everybody has access to everything they want to know. A meeting, was held this week, and one result of that, was the suggestion that groups within the parish may like to hold a Zoom (or equivalent) session to let people in the parish know what their particular group does. In the first instance it was thought that groups who had been active on Zoom during lockdown may like to take part first. Hoping that others will also take part later, to let members of the parish know about them and what they do. These information meetings would take place over quite a few months. Please let Margaret Spencer; j.spencer526@btinternet.com know if any groups would like to contribute.

In the meantime, there is one that everyone would be welcome to, on 11th April, and each Sunday after that, which is the Church Coffee Group. It has been running successfully for many months now, and has been a wonderful opportunity to keep talking about what we have been doing and what has been happening at Church.

It would be great to welcome other members of the Parish to join us. If you would like to join at 11am on Sunday mornings, please contact Margaret or John Spencer for the ID link on j.spencer526@btinternet.com


A compelling, passionate witness to life lived in the Risen Christ, Paul a dedicated builder of Christian community and writer of Scripture, lived deeply from the ground of his deep faith. After his dramatic and life-changing conversion, he spent time in the desert – so we begin by following Paul into the desert during Lent and then seek to explore his challenging and profound experience of faith. This is a 4 week course and participants should attend all sessions if they are able to.
Thursdays 6.30-9pm   April 15th, 22th, 29th, May 6th  (Cost £80)

 An Introduction to Ignatian Discernment and The Examen.
Tues 20th April 6.30-9pm

Exploring their profound spirituality.
Sun 25th April 2-5pm

Reflection and contemplation.
Wed 28th April 2-5pm

Sat 8th May 2-5pm    OR   Mon 10th  May 10am-1pm

 A morning, soaking in Jesus’ profound and beautiful prayer in its original language.
Sat 15th May 10am-1pm

The divine fire and the call to go forth into a life based on freedom and hope.
Sun 23rd May 2-5pm

All retreats cost £20, unless otherwise stated.

For bookings, please see the website or contact Donna Worthington: drworthington@live.co.uk





The Club was opened on Monday October 2nd 1905 by the Hon Sir Jos Walton.  The first general meeting of the members was held on Monday October 9th, when 120 members were enrolled and the following Committee chosen:

Fr Moss was in the Chair

President: Mr Wm Wells

Secretary: Mr Edw Ingham

Committee:  Mr Denis Byrne

Mr Edw Walker

Mr Barrett

Mr Norbert Dewhurst

Mr Jos Brown Jnr

Mr Holden (Back Commons)

Mr Stanislaus Brown

The members of the Committee were chosen by ballot; the next two on the list being Mr Holden (Lowergate) and Mr T Cawley (Low Moor)

Committee Meetings

The first meeting of the Committee was held in the Club on Tuesday October 10th.  The Rev President (Fr Moss SJ) presiding:  all the members of the Committee were present.

The following resolutions were passed

  1. That the Club be open as follows:-

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 6pm – 10.30pm

Wednesday 2pm – 10.30pm

Saturday 1pm – 10.30pm

Sunday 2pm – 5pm;  also after evening service to 10pm.

N.B. During the public services in the Church and during Congregational entertainments the Club will be closed

  1. That Mr Duckett be Steward of the Club at a salary of 15/- per week nett, there being no perquisites such as minerals for his own profit.
  2. From the present date till Jan 1st 1906 the subscription be 1/6d: from Jan 1st 1906 the subscription be 3/- half year payable in advance. Honorary members subscription will be 10/6d per year.
  3. Those using cards to pay 1d per day – no cards be allowed but the Club cards.
  4. That the Rev President be Treasurer of the Club.
  5. That the age of admission be not less than 18. However the Committee saw that certain exceptional cases of youths under 18 would arise in which it would be advisable for them to be members: such cases were left to the absolute discretion of the Rev President.
  6. That the Committee would countenance the following sums to be played for.

Dominoes – ½d per game

Nap               1-2-3-4 @ ½d, Nap 1d – no doubles allowed

Whist            1d for 10 points

Solo Whist   solo ½d, abundance 1d, misere ½d

Misere ouvert 1d, abundance declared 1d – no tricks allowed

N.B.  The Committee wish it to be clearly understood that this is permitted only as a fillip to the games, and not as gambling.  Anyone known to go beyond the sums mentioned will be most severely dealt with.  The Committee appeal to the good sense and public spirit of the members to see that this is carried out to the letter.

Rev.F.Moss SJ

Oct 17th 1905

Minutes of the Committee held in the Club, October 17th 1905

The following were present:  Fr Moss SJ (Chairman), Mr Wells, Mr Edw Ingham, Messrs Byrne, Walker, Barrett, Dewhurst, Ince, Holden and S.Brown

Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed.

It was resolved

  1. That various necessary things should be ordered at once:

These included chalks, wafers, spots, tips, tickets, sundry stationery, cue-tip fastener, file for cues, stick for taper, brush, looking glass, 4 roller towels, rollers etc

  1. that the Club join …….Union @ 5/- per annum
  2. that the admission of non-Catholics be left to the discretion of the Rev President, the President and Hon. Secretary. They were urged to be slow to admit such members.  That it must be duly understood that no non-Catholic could hold any position in the Club, or be a member of any Committee.
  3. that the following papers be obtained for the reading room

daily:  Yorkshire Post, Manchester Evening Chronicle, Northern Daily Telegraph
weekly: Catholic Times, Catholic Weekly, two local papers, Tit-Bits, Answers, Caudles Saturday Journal.

  1. that a Billiard Committee be chosen: their duties to consist in arranging and looking after handicaps, to arrange matches, to suggest anything to the General Committee which they consider good for the game. It was resolved further that all items of expenditure connected with billiards should first have the appubation of the General Committee and that all matches, or new moves should first have their appubation action was taken.
  2. The question of a lamp to light the outside steps was left in the hands of the Rev President and Mr Barrett.

Rev F Moss SJ

Oct 24th 1905

Posted in Clitheroe, Dunsop Bridge, Sabden, Weekly View.