Cardinal Allen Secondary School, Fleetwood

October 1, 2018: Journey to Freedom exhibition and a talk to 150 year 11s

Due to flooding in the school,  the chapel  wasn’t ready to receive the Journey to Freedom exhibition (formerly termed the mobile human trafficking exhibition) until this week.  Journey to Freedom is a 15 minute audio-visual walk-through of eight rooms featuring stories of domestic servitude, sexual exploitation and labour exploitation.  The exhibition will stay until Friday and as well as accommodating school pupils the exhibition will be available on some evenings for parents and other adults. The event has been advertised in the local churches.

Today Anthony Brown spoke for an hour at assembly to 150 year 11s.  This was an introduction to the Journey to Freedom and an open invitation to visit the exhibition during class time.  Other arrangements are in place for younger pupils.

The pictures show the exhibition arriving and being erected in the chapel.

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We joined Joe Howson at Cardinal Allen to discuss use of the Lee House mobile human trafficking exhibition which the school will employ for a week in February 2018, to coincide with the feast of St Bakhita.  The Medialle Trust provided funding for some additional panels for the exhibition and a Medaille input to the week will feature in a way yet to be decided – probably with a 40 minute assembly presentation.   Medaille prayer cards and materials will be available throughout the week.   Although the Lee House mobile refugee exhibition has been in use for over 12 months, this will be the first use of the new trafficking exhibition and the start of a new phase in the Medaille Trust/Lee House partnership.