25th Sunday in Ordinary time – 20th September 2015

http://venturearchitecture.com/work/hs-offices Dear Parishioners,

Today is Home Mission Sunday for which the English Bishops have written a pastoral letter, an extract from which reads: “a day when we invite every member of the Catholic community to pray for, participate in and support the work of evangelisation in England and Wales.

Pope Francis shows us that the true heart of faith is hugely attractive. He shows us how to let our faith be seen. He does this by making clear the great mercy of God, the mercy that he has received and that he shows to all.

The mercy of God is God’s love in action, reaching out to every person… When Pope Francis was asked to describe himself he said, simply, “I am a sinner.”

The letter concludes: Finally, we your bishops want to thank each and every one of you for the witness that you already give. Your presence at Mass today is a good example. By coming to Mass you not only give due worship to God but also publicly proclaim your faith to everyone who knows of your commitment and routine. We thank you for your daily efforts in family living, the patterns of family life that you work hard to sustain. The family is the first and best school of faith, of prayer and of virtuous living. Thank you all indeed!

Together let us seek to live out the words of Pope Francis: “The joy of the gospel fills the hearts and lives of all who encounter Jesus. Those who accept his offer of salvation are set free from sin, sorrow, inner emptiness and loneliness. With Christ joy is constantly born anew… I wish to encourage the Christian faithful to embark upon a new chapter of evangelisation marked by this joy.’”

Here we shall begin another RCIA programme which might best be described as an introduction to Catholicism that caters for any wishing to learn more about our faith, or maybe missed making their First Communion, or who wish simply to join the Church. Anyone curious to learn what makes a Catholic tick is also welcome!

We meet on Thursday evenings in the Presbytery large meeting room for one hour between 8 and 9pm. If you have a friend who may be interested but is perhaps shy of coming alone, then do please consider inviting and accompanying them and assure them that there is no obligation to return if they feel that it isn’t for them. There will be an introductory meet and greet session next Thursday, 1st October, at 8pm with a little something to wet the lips and steady any nerves.

Fr John


Posted in Clitheroe, Dunsop Bridge, Sabden, Weekly View.